Islamaniacs Performing Bloody Ritual In London

From Weasel Zippers:
(ExpressUK) — ISLAMIC fanatics are mutilating themselves at a British mosque in a bloody ceremony carried out only yards from a busy high street.
Shia Muslims use a five-bladed chain called a Zanjeer to whip their own backs and make cuts in their foreheads with razor blades in homage to their faith.
Bare-chested men were left bleeding heavily during the ritual known as Matam – self-flagellation – which a witness described as being “like a scene from a horror film”.
The Sunday Express found that up to 800 men performed the bloody ceremony in secret at the Imamia Mosque in Forest Gate, east London, last year.
The Matam takes place during the annual Shia Ashura ceremony and commemorates the death of Husayn, a grandson of the prophet Muhammad. It is practised largely in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and India as well as Yemen and Afghanistan but this is the first time it is known to have taken place in Britain.
Huge wooden screens were put up around the mosque to keep the event secret and prevent passers-by on busy Romford Road seeing the bloodletting.
The Sunday Express visited the mosque last week and learned that the ceremony took place last December and is due to be repeated next month. One man who witnessed the ceremony last year was so alarmed by what he saw he nearly passed out.
He said: “There was blood everywhere. There were pools of blood on the ground and my clothes were splattered with blood. It was very scary.
“I was told it was part of a religious ceremony but the anti-western sentiment was clear. If the public had seen what was going on they would have reported it to the police. It was like a scene from a horror film.
You know now why sometimes Sunni & Shia are bickering?
There are fanatics in every religious groups looking for a fast route to heaven. Will they get into heaven? I doubt it.
Are you telling me you think Shias are the fanatics, while the Sunnis are the peaceful Muslims?
Those damned Shias are also into the Muta, aren't they?
This what you wanted, western civilization? This what you bargained for?
First Frog to the Second Frog: "Is it just me, or is this water getting a lot hotter now?"
Second Frog: "You know, I think you're right. I bet some cock-sucking human has turned up the burner on us again!"
First Frog: "Get out and go turn it down for a second, would ya, while I put out the pilot light."
Second Frog: "Right, then all dials on full and we're so outta here."
Second Frog: "Fuckers never learn do they?"
First Frog: "Nope, they never do."
Hi Pastorius.
I think we had this in my links this week Sunday 07
We beat Zip by 4 days.
Sounds like abdooss means it's a race to the finish. They win, we lose. There have been rituals of blood, pain and death in many religions over the ages. In other times this one may be merely violent, pointless ritual -- but the "anti-western sentiment" gives it a point. Ah, but it's so un-PC to make note of that.
Bickering was an understatement. Sunni & Shia are killing each other!
Maybe you don't have much to worry about, after all.
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