Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just went another 2 rounds with Citimortgagethesonsabitches.

So I'm heading to the gun range to vent a couple hundred rounds (right, like I really needed an excuse. . .).
Have a good day, Infidels.

Gregg Allman
Midnight Rider

I'm No Angel

Warren Haynes
Before the Bullets Fly

with Derek Trucks
Old Friend


Always On Watch said...

What the hell is wrong with this mortgage company?

I fail to understand why working with you is something they don't want to do!

midnight rider said...

Bah, they're useless.

Got a call today before I had the first cup of coffee down (ALWAYS a very dangerous time to be around me). Now, being a phone guru by living the main phone in my house is a rotary phone.

Which is pretty much useless when the prerecorded message tells you to press one to retrieve your message from Shittybank.

So instead, when a short amount of time had elapsed with no response from me, it rattkles off an 800 number I should call and a seven digit code I need to enter to retrieve message.

Pencil and paper were no where to be found.

So I dialed the numberbest I could remember and when it answers it sends a text to my cell phone telling me it will cost &9.99 to join the service. Since there was no heavy breathing or passionate moaning involved I figured I dialed wrong and declined the service.

And called Shittybank directly.

Customer service said they had no idea why they contacted me although it was probably credit and collections since I was 9 days past the due date (mind you I am not past due, only into the grace period, a frequent occurence these days) adn she would transfer me to C&C to be sure.

And promptly hung up on me. I hadn't even started hollering yet.

So instead I called their HAMP office. Who told me it was probably because I was going thru mortgage mod that I got a call even though it wasn't past due.

Wait, says I, you sent me a rejection letter last week.

Oh, that was for the regular mortgage mod program. Since you didn't qualify for that we're looking into a regular in house freedie MAc or Fannie Mae mod.

No offense, dude, but from the horror stories I've been hearing what if I choose to decline that. Since I'm not past due on anything will I be charged?


Well THAT'S some good news. So I'll wait and see what they come back with and THEN decline it.

But still, he couldn't tell me for sure what they were calling for but said he'd enter it so that I don't get these "default calls" (his words) when I'm still in the grace period.

SO an hour later I got an email and then, tonight at supper, ANOTHER friggin' call from these bozos. I never even let the message start before hanging up.

So it wasn't so much a bad call today just frustrated with their seeming incompetance all around. This has been going on now for very close to six months.


200 rounds of .40 S&W. The IDPA cardboard cutout never had a chance.