Monday, November 08, 2010

What Is It With Obama And Bowing?

Via Drudge, Obama bows in India to the Indian Parliament:

Also via Drudge, there is this little moment:
Odd Little Moment at the CEO Meeting

There was an odd little moment with Spice Jet founder Bhupendra Kansagra when President Obama spoke to CEOs Saturday in Mumbai.

MR. KANSAGRA: Thank you. Welcome, Mr. President, to India. As a fellow Kenyan, I’m very proud to see that you have made --

THE PRESIDENT: Made something of myself. (Laughter.)

MR. KANSAGRA: -- India as the focus of your drive for exports out of the U.S.

Obviously the president is not a Kenyan. One supposes Mr. Kansagra meant "of Kenyan ancestry" or something.

- Jake Tapper
Maybe BHO's bowing is his way of apologizing for America?

In any case, it is most unfitting for the President of the United States to be bowing, bowing, bowing.

One has to note that BHO didn't make much of a bow to the Queen of England:


Epaminondas said...

He has a pathological need to be accepted and liked.

He should spend some time at IBA and he would be forever cured, or be in a fetal curl

Anonymous said...

but it is only wanted from dictators, or nations of color.

the man is a racially driven man. I hesitate to say he is a racist but. he rides the line.

Always On Watch said...

Can you imagine BHO here at IBA?


Pastorius said...

Well put.

I do think he's a racist, but I don't think he's a traditional racist, meaning, he doesn't hate all white people.

But, he thinks in tribalistic manner, and his tribe comes before the other tribes, at any expense, and if it requires outright racism to effect the change he wants, then outright racism it will be.