Friday, April 15, 2011

B.C. Muslim leader say Sharia Law is Pretty Much The Same As Canadian Law

Clue me in here. Do they stone gays and apostates to death under Canadian law? 


Unknown said...

Hmmmm....Probably stayed out too long in the BC Winter,case of severe frostbite to the brains.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if he'd find a pool cue inserted sideways in his arse the same as a friendly round of darts.

Nah, I'm sure he wouldn't. After all, expecting a slight degree of logical consistency is a western hang-up.

Anonymous said...

Do they stone gays and apostates to death under Canadian law?

funny you should ask pasto, they dont yet but its allways on the muslim to-do list....

Damien said...


Also, come to think of it, do they execute people for changing their religion under Canadian Law? No? Doesn't sound very similar.

Pastorius said...

I vote we let Anonymous take care of this fool.

Damien said...


Anonymous? You mean that group that takes on Scientology?