Thursday, April 07, 2011

Michael Coren on the Koran Burning


Silverfiddle said...

What gets me is that reasonable muslims do not see what a pr disaster their bug-eyed head-cutting brothers are.

My God, when some idiot kills an abortion doctor in the name of Jesus, Catholics, Baptists and Evangelicals are climbing over one another disowning such people and calling them the murderers that they are.

cjk said...

Book burning.....wooo, wooo, taboo

There is nothing wrong or immoral about destroying evil.

If I could right now destroy every Queeran physically, and in the heads of all it's adherents by magically snapping my fingers, I wouldn't even think twice.
Of course I can't so I try to expose it to sunlight instead, but the desire remains.
That's my theory on book burning and I stand by it.