Monday, April 11, 2011

“Soros: U.S. Could “Absorb Some More Debt”

“The country could, actually, absorb some more debt in order to get the economy going,” George Soros told Bloomberg television over the weekend.

Soros said the U.S. should spend money on building infrastructure or improving productivity.

Productivity, where less employees do more, and the same number perform better, thus upping profit without upping costs for investors, boosting wall street but not IMPROVING THE MIDDLE CLASS … but maybe that should be coupled with ENFORCEMENT OF REAL FREE TRADE FIRST

After that we can collapse as the additional debt burden Soros says we can absorb falls on fewer, more productive workers, and they drive to work at $5/gallon

Soros is PURE EVIL.

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1 comment:

SamenoKami said...

Soros is a malignant douche-bag and the sooner he leaves this realm, the better off the world will be.