Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Full Exposure : The Claim -Geert Wilder's money for existence comes from radical, extreme jews .. the "Settler Movement"

Our new Damien, who claims to be an ex-prosecutor, conservative Brit in Gibraltar, with contacts among many in North Africa, in response to the verbal battles surrounding the assigned blame by progressive sources for Breivik, the uniform designing, Knight Templar, Ted Kaczynski mutant, came up with a claim that a major scandal (legal? encore? really?) is about to break around Wilders because his $$ sources are some kind of radical jews, you know the BAD JEWS (more on bad jews later, maybe).

Damien has also claimed his sources are quite good (being an ex prosecutor), and reliable but he cannot share this with us at this time.

So I thought I would take a gander at the publicly available sourcing for such claims, that might fire off a CONSERVATIVE.

So what do we have....?
Oh, well, let's be fair and take a look.
So here is the mention of this horror ...

Around these policies Wilders has built an international network, ranging from American neoconservatives and evangelicals to members of the armed settler movement and high officials in Israel, with the more traditional extreme right parties from Europe uncomfortably in between. Most of his funding comes from the United States, where Daniel Pipes of the Middle Eastern Forum boasted of having raised “an amount of six figures” for Wilders.14 His American speaking tours have functioned as an ideological ice-breaker for a new radical right in the US, going much further with his Islam-bashing than most American politicians and institutions dare to go.
Oh no, DANIEL PIPES! But wait, the socialists are saying Geert's funders are american!
June 28, 2011

Next... (I really like this next one)
Kevin McDonald ... is the author. Kevin Mcdonald?
Kevin MacDonald’s arguments about Jews and Judaism -- originally expressed in four books he published between 1994 and 2004 -- mimic those made by anti-Semites during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. MacDonald argues that Judaism is a particularly successful “group evolutionary strategy” that allows Jews to benefit at the expense of non-Jews, and that anti-Semitism is a “rational” non-Jewish response to counteract Jewish successes. MacDonald believes that Jews in contemporary times have fostered and supported multiculturalism, Zionism, and neo-conservatism to benefit Jews at the expense of non-Jews.

In an apparent effort to publicize his ideas overseas, much of this work has been translated into European languages, including German, Dutch, Polish, and Russian. MacDonald promotes these translations on his Website
Okay so what does he have to say...

Imagine this moral dilemma. Right now in Europe, quite a few politicians are getting on the anti-Muslim bandwagon. Many have made pilgrimages to Israel to express solidarity with the far right settler movement and its program of ethnic cleansing—the same people who have made it a point to make gruesome, bloody examples of people like Rachel Corrie. For example, Geert Wilders, while visiting a far-right, pro-settler member of the Knesset says that the Palestinians have a homeland—Jordan. In Israel, he was hosted by Aryeh Eldad, head of the Hatikva faction of the National Union Party, which opposes the creation of a Palestinian state and believes that the West Bank is part of Israel.
Well, as it is TODAY, while most jews would probably want a two state solution, but since almost NO PALESTINIANS support giving up right of return, most jews feel PRECISELY as Eldad does, and Wilders does. Maybe they are ALL wild radicals!

But Mcdonald goes on.... VERY CUTELY..

Other anti-Muslim political figures (Heinz-Christian Strache, head of the German Freedom Party—quite possibly the next chancellor of Austria, Filip Dewinter, spokesman for Belgium’s Vlaams Belang party and a member of the Flemish Parliament, andRené Stadtkewitz, a former member of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union who recently established the Freedom Party in Germany with an explicitly anti-Muslim, pro-Israel line) have traveled to Israel to express solidarity with the settler movement

But wait a minute....There is no claim Wilders supports these other people, or what they stand for, and no such claim is made, but the link is made instead by one of the most insidious academic racists of our time.

Last and best ...


Geerts $$$ ?

A crucial detail about Wilders’ party, the PVV, is that it only has two official members: himself, and theFriends of the PVV Foundation which he formed as a finance-gathering apparatus. Dutch law states that every party with a membership of 100,000 or more can receive state subsidy. Wilders’ decision to keep his party in his own hands therefore also has severe financial consequences. Someone else aside from the Dutch state has to provide the money. Much of it comes from the US, where Wilders travels regularly. According to the Volkskrant, in 2008 Wilders even changed the statutes of the Foundation to ensure that it could be used to accept donations for legal cases – the grounds of which remain unspecified in the document – that he might be faced with.

The Dutch press has tracked down several of the principal financial sources for the PVV in the US. Two figures stand out: David Horowitz and Daniel Pipes. Horowitz runs the online FrontPage Magazine and the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which with an annual budget of around 5 million dollars is an important financier of outlets such as Jihad Watch and Islam critic Robert Spencer. According to theNRC, it was Horowitz who introduced the Dutchman to leading conservative activists Senator Jim DeMint and Dick Cheney´s daughter Liz last year, and brought Wilders into contact with one of his own financiers who is not named.

Pipes is founder of the pro-Israeli Middle East Forum and has long been in favour of a pre-emptive strike against Iran. Pipes also formed the Legal Project in 2007 to raise and distribute funds for researchers, journalists, and authors who face legal battles based on their critical statements about Islam – ‘jihad by court’, as they say. Wilders is of course an ideal recipient. In 2009 Pipes managed to round up “an amount in six figures” for Wilders in the USA. Interesting detail is that both Horowitz and Pipes belong to the Right of the Republicans but see Wilders mainly as a useful extension of their pro-Israeli agitating. Horowitz literally said in this article that he couldn’t make the same anti-Islamic comments as Wilders in the US because it would be too dangerous. Then there is the American Freedom Alliance, who honoured Wilders with a reception in the Reagan Library in October 2009. Officially the AFA doesn’t do fund-raising for the PVV. But of course, gatherings such as this are ideal for opening up private channels.

So what of Israel? Vrij Nederland covered that angle in an article last year. Interesting part of the narrative was the trail behind Wilders’ film Fitna, which appeared in many scenes to be a very close (if not identical) copy to the earlier 80-minute documentary Obsession: Radical Islam’s War against the West, which Horowitz promoted in the US. Financial supporters for the film (which is meant to have cost $400,000) came from the obscure Clarion Fund and the orthodox Jewish religious/cultural organisationAish HaTorah, based in Jerusalem opposite the Wailing Wall and closely linked to the West Bank settler movement.

In December 2008 Wilders spoke at the Facing Jihad conference in Jerusalem, where he also showed Fitna in Israel for the first time. There were few Europeans present, but several US neocons like Pipes and his blog-groupie Pamela Geller. The conference was organised by Arieh Eldad, former Israeli army officer and leader of the extreme right Hatikva party tht places itself on the no-compromise right of Benjamin Netanyahu.

So Wilders' money is from where? And he is hanging with people like the PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL?
My God! What next.

Damien ..... you have some splainin' to do...

By the way, the so called linked to radical settler yadda yadda, AISH organization mentioned above?
They actually publish HOLIDAY MATERIAL FOR LITTLE GIRLS AND BOYS IN HEBREW SCHOOL THE WORLD OVER.... LIKE A MENORAH THEY CAN COLOR. I challenge every one reading this to go to the link buried in the text above and take a good look around the AISH site. I see it every week when my wife is looking for a PDF for her kids in sunday school. At first I didn't even connect that site to this truly stupid attempt, but now that I have, I really wonder at the veracity of any of this beyond the most base, stupid and vile attempt at a smear intended for truly stupid dupes who will accept anything

I find that the claims of Wilders money coming from the big secretive jew sources to be a bit stretched, to say the least, and the fact that he is about where the elected PM of Israel is, might mean he is not quite the satanist you hope for, and that he has been entertained by ex army officers who might like the whole west bank, WHILE NEARLY ALL PALESTINIANS WANT ALL OF ISRAEL a bit wanting in horribleness.
And the money?


Sorry but this is the right side of the mainstream and not only not the settler movement but a rather bland vanilla.

Of course, they all the supported the worst person in the history of earth, right?

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Pastorius said...

It ain't news, it had to be the Jews.

Epaminondas said...

Well, I don't know about jew hater, but unless there is some big secret illegal/unethical dreaded secret at the 'Geert Wilders is a charter member of NAMBLA level' horror this entire issue is a manufactured piece of air by those who think that tying Wilders to the 'settler' movment some kind of important goal.

A lot of noise about nothing.

And what's the diff anyway?
If the worst was true as I said elsewhere ... to Damien ...

You need to seriously consider the idea that this effort these jews are involved in EVEN IF EVERYTHING YOU CHARGE AS A PROSECUTOR IS TRUE, is to do whatever they can to simply SURVIVE.

More, it was only 1753 that jews could even LIVE legally in England, wasn't it? I think you had better seriously consider that embedded in your own education, culture and therefore personal proclivities is a bent which needs to be very carefully examined.

If all you say ever turned out to be true, what I SEE, is a bunch of people the victims of repeated, unlimited, oppressions, expulsions, mass murders, and finally genocide, now again facing the same old same old, who properly identified a politician who could help them, and therefore they are helping him.

Rather than PERSECUTING this effort to survive, perhaps you ought to be looking carefully at the causes which generate desperate, NON VIOLENT FINANCIAL DONATIONS for Wilders by this group.

It's EUROPE, you see. Since the council of NICAEA ~300 AD it's one long story which is all the same.

D Charles QC said...

All I see is self-deluding and wishful thinking of what they wanted me to say rather than what I clearly did said.

Wilders is a bigot and a hater and I have seen no references at all to the comments about his party, performances in The Netherlands and that he sucks-up to the blogs is not an excuse to support him.

I mentioned that there are questions about his sources and of course pathetically your only source is blogs.

If you even remotely think that blogs and internet journals are the only reality on this planet then that may explain all the rediculous hype that you consider facts.

Even based on what is being brought out, I did say that I expressed my view that they are still not conclusive enough but only warrents further investigation.

Horrowitz and Pipes are small noisy fish in a very large pond.

EPA I guess since you could not answer the question on the othe thread and thus would rather start it here so fine by me...

So being Jewish means your imune to being criticized? Does it mean some form of exemption? Does it allow you to throw imature rants and personal attacks and claim some form of anti-semitism if responded to?

You might like the words Wilders says, sure he talks about Palestinians being Jordanians and must go back there which might be appealing to some low-lifes, but a bigot he is just the same and he only exists as a political figure because of unique antiquated Dutch laws - or is that no longer important?

Epaminondas said...

I answered you PRECISELY...

Last, "I ask you this, does simply mentioning the word "Jew" mean an accussation and is being a "Jew" an immunity to criticism?"

No, but when the most academic of critics HERE in the USA offer such criticism, it suddenly turns into WORD FOR WORD... americans who happen to be jewish are involved in an inchoate/choate non conspiracy/semi organized effort to benefit Israel at the the expense of the USA (Walt and Mearsheimer).

Thus, ESPECIALLY GIVEN THE HISTORY OF EUROPE (and I am talking about from MEDIEVAL TIMES not Hitler) when I hear someone from Europe go off on such a tangent, it has my FULL ATTENTION.

You need to seriously consider the idea that this effort these jews are involved in EVEN IF EVERYTHING YOU CHARGE AS A PROSECUTOR IS TRUE, is to do whatever they can to simply SURVIVE.

More, it was only 1753 that jews could even LIVE legally in England, wasn't it? I think you had better seriously consider that embedded in your own education, culture and therefore personal proclivities is a bent which needs to be very carefully examined.

If all you say ever turned out to be true, what I SEE, is a bunch of people the victims of repeated, unlimited, oppressions, expulsions, mass murders, and finally genocide, now again facing the same old same old, who properly identified a politician who could help them, and therefore they are helping him.

Rather than PERSECUTING this effort to survive, perhaps you ought to be looking carefully at the causes which generate desperate, NON VIOLENT FINANCIAL DONATIONS for Wilders by this group.

That is the third answer, how many do you require?

Maybe FOUR....

By IGNORING ENTIRELY (EVEN IF TRUE) the motivation for support of Wilders (WHO IS CORRECT ABOUT THE QURAN ... which is a mandatory acceptance to be considered a muslim) you EXPOSE YOURSELF as biased against those taking FINANCIAL action to survive in NOT ONLY a progressivly hostile social, and governmental environment ALL OVER EUROPE but also a LETHAL ONE.

In short even if every single charge you level IRRESPONSIBLY is correct, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG.

The wrong is in YOUR PERSONAL BIAS, and ancient traditional European one.


OTHERWISE you are the chirping of a just another biased bird, going on as Europeans always have, and in the tradition of a Sen MCCarthy .... "I hold in my hand ...."

Put up or shut up.

I have been on arab forums in the gulf for FAR TOO LONG to listen to this 'I have a secret I can't share' haram baloney.

By the way .. my posts were not from blogs, but a socialist newletter quarterly from a LARGE organization, the ADL, and every other source AVAILABLE since you have a secret you cannot share.


Put up or shut up.

D Charles QC said...

You can have your opinions, your entitiled to it EPA, as do I and we will have to accept that you and I differ on views like the morality of Wilders or what he/you like to think abou the Muslims' Koran. I simply think you are wrong.

Having said that, this is not the first time that I have come across what I BELIEVE are Jews with chips on their shoulders and thus using history for an excuse for today. I know enough Jews who do get on with their lives, surive well enough and do not jump to ultra-defensive anti-semitic excuses each time a finger is pointed at someone or a group that happens to be Jewish.

You will be badly mistaken if you think I give a flying-turd's worth of damn if the cause of any irresponsibilty, misbehaviour or crime is done by any group, faith, gender or political following. My answer is exactly the same to any Muslim who throws the "Jews did this or that" or it is Zionist American conspiracy cr*p, it all for me falls under the same bigoted or politically selfish power games that sick people follow.

As I repeated many times now, IF evidence is there then it should be followed through, if not so be it. The process of accussation and suspicion requires either sufficient initial evidence or proven source quality, at present it is the later. It all of you and the moronic-enfantile-blow-hole "Jesterhead45 who have put more to it than I have (which tells a lot).

Epaminondas said...

Intersting...."Having said that, this is not the first time that I have come across what I BELIEVE are Jews with chips on their shoulders and thus using history for an excuse for today. I know enough Jews who do get on with their lives, surive well enough and do not jump to ultra-defensive anti-semitic excuses each time a finger is pointed at someone or a group that happens to be Jewish."

Count me in. Israel's existence in THIS WORLD AMONG HUMAN BEINGS IS COMPULSORY. I have that chip on my shoulder.

Humans have proved that chip a survival trait. That you see that sir as some kind of NEGATIVE as opposed to the survival trait it is, makes you OBJECTIVELY part of the reason Israel MUST BE, and that chip will continue to be passed down.

"I know enough Jews who do get on with their lives, surive well enough" ... do you know who these people are?


That is true because what was then (500 bc to 1945) is ABSOLUTELY TRUE TODAY.

That is something I had to have pounded into me because until 2001 I thought it WAS ALL OVER AND PART OF THE PAST.

But as you are personally proving, right here and right now, YOU are part of the problem.

And you don't even see how.



Loudmouth jews with chips on their shoulders, trying to survive.