7/27 AM: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D FLA, and DNC head:
"Republicans Want A Dictatorship"
7/27 PM: Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, and Dem Leader:
"We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.”
7/28 AM Jim Clyburn, #3 Dem:
"It's like the Emancipation Proclamation"
BTW, who will you vote for?
Hobbit Republican Fascists?
Stalinist Foreign Muslim Democrat?
McCain et al would do well to remember that it was the Hobbits that saved the world from evil.
Oh no, we don't just want a Dictatorship, we actually want to kill every last Democrat. That's what we really want.
After that, we won't need a Dictatorship, because all the evil people will be dead, and we will live in a perfect peace and harmony, a Utopia ...
Right, guys?
Now, let's commence to killin'.
I better put down my Bible. I don't want to get any blood and brains on it.
Boy Howdy, this is gonna be FUN!
Wait, my best friend is a Democrat. What do I do now?
Give him a cigarette and blindfold first.
Dude, you're going to love what our man Van had to say
“Any faction in America that would put a gun to the head of 310 million people and say ‘If you don’t do it our way, we will blow your dreams away, we will blow a hole in the American economy’, that is un-American. That is not how we do business, and we refuse to bow down to those tactics.”
full story and video at the link
Yeah, then I'll pour scalding hot Tea on him and hit him over the head with my Bible.
See? He was right, because I REALLY DO WANT TO KILL 310 MILLION PEOPLE.
That is my life's goal.
Perhaps you should change your blogger name
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