Norway Youth Camp - a Center for Leftist Indoctrination? - UPDATED AT BOTTOM OF POST
From Stogie
Glenn Beck was heavily criticized for saying that the Norwegian youth camp (the one targeted by the Norway shooter) resembled a "Hitler Youth Camp." Beck may have been a bit too strong in drawing such a parallel, but he was partially right. The purpose of the camp was to indoctrinate young people into leftist doctrines. On the day before the shootings, the youth on the island displayed a large banner saying "Boikott Israel."Bare Naked Islam has the story.
The leftist bent of the camp may be why the shooter selected it as a target.
UPDATE - Jason Pappas comment (and I agree):
I view Beck's "Hitler Youth" comment in the same like as Ward Churchill's "little Eichmanns" description of the WTC victims. It's reprehensible.I do not mean to draw a moral equivalency between Breivik and the Norwegian Labor Party Youth Camp. No moral equivalence exists. However, let us be clear, teaching children that Israel is an Apartheid State is setting the wheels in motion towards an eventual delegitimization of Israel which is intended to lead to the destruction of Israel as a Jewish state, and would lead to the purposeful deaths of Jews at the hands of Arab Muslims who have been bred to hate them by virulently anti-Semitic Palestinian and Hiz'b'allah media.
I know the Norwegian Labor Party deserves criticism but now in the same breath as one talks about the Breivik atrocity and certainly not with the inflammatory rhetoric that Beck uses.
I think the Norwegian diplomat's comment about shahid attacks against Jews in Israel not being as bad as Breivik (see Front Page Magazine) exposes his loss of moral high ground. But that doesn't diminish the condemnation of Breivik to any degree. It's an unconditional evil.
In this sense, I think it is reasonable to compare the Labor Party Youth Camp's specific indoctrination of Israel-hate to the Hitler Youth Camp's teaching of abject Jew-hate. It must be noted that comparison is not the same thing as equivalence. However, by way of comparison, I think we have found two things of the same kind.
Fire away, if you disagree. You guys know me well enough to know, I am more than up for it.
Hmmm.... It looks like it was. If they weren't trying to indoctrinate the kids, that sign makes no sense. What Breivik did may have been utterly evil, but it doesn't change the fact that I wouldn't want to send one of my kids to a camp like this, regardless of what he did. Even if their politics agreed with mine entirely, I wouldn't want my child to blindly follow me. Its over the top to compare this to the Hitler Youth, but no one who is truly a free thinker would want their children sent to a political summer camp like this. Not to mention that I would want my children's vacation to be fun. Even ignoring their politics, this is not my idea of fun, and I most kids would enjoy other stuff much more than protesting for a political cause.
I view Beck's "Hitler Youth" comment in the same like as Ward Churchill's "little Eichmanns" description of the WTC victims. It's reprehensible.
I know the Norwegian Labor Party deserves criticism but now in the same breath as one talks about the Breivik atrocity and certainly not with the inflammatory rhetoric that Beck uses.
I think the Norwegian diplomat's comment about shahid attacks against Jews in Israel not being as bad as Breivik (see Front Page Magazine) exposes his loss of moral high ground. But that doesn't diminish the condemnation of Breivik to any degree. It's an unconditional evil.
I agree with you, Jason.
The point of this post is merely to show what that camp is like, and the extent to which Leftists will go to inculcate right-thinking in the minds of their children.
Then, on the other hand, the Left could say the same thing of the Right; that we take our children to Church (many of us do, anyway).
And, they would be right.
But, that points up another interesting and sad distinction between Left and Right. Our Religion involves a relationship with God. Theirs involves POLITICS.
Of course, I am aware that in speaking to you, I am speaking to an Objectivist, and none of this applies to you and your friends. I don't know how Objectivists indoctrinate their kids. What? By teaching them to be responsible for themselves?
Let's see what the Left could find wrong with that.
I think it's important to point out who the leading party in Norway belongs to. They are of the left Islamic alliance. That is why the first thing they published was the deceitful and manipulative announcement that Breivik was a conservative Christian. They have succeeded in bringing leftist condemnation down upon the heads of conservative Christians world wide. They are anti-Christ and anti-Semitic. They are the "other beast" we are fighting. The saying "Watch the other hand" applies here. Watch the other beast.
Pastorius - "...Then, on the other hand, the Left could say the same thing of the Right; that we take our children to Church (many of us do, anyway)."
They could, and often do, but they are very very wrong. Progressives asserting the act of going to church and teaching catechism to the children is equal to political indoctrination is outrageous. Don't permit the left to define 'political indoctrination' by equating it with religious instruction. The caveat being, the same does not apply to Islam which is as much (if not more so) a political movement as it is a faith doctrine.
Europe already drank the cool aid.
Everything in them is thrilled, and happy to run to the idea that the Jews have themselves an apartheid state and are no better than Europeans.
Anonymous, don't you want a name? I agree with you here, but the next time Anonymous posts, I won't know if it's the same person. Just a thought... Yes, the enemy can be counted on to equate political indoctrination with our worship of God wouldn't they. They are evil.
Without a foundation of an absolute right and wrong every argument eventually falls into a relativism where nothing is right or wrong.
I believe that those of us who fight for our superior Western Culture, at least what's left of it, stand ultimately upon the Christian ethic whether we know/recognize it or not.
A leftist, political, children's indoctrination camp designed to eventually destroy the only decent nation in the Mideast and bring about slaughter is wrong and evil.
Sending children to Sunday school to indoctrinate them in the Golden Rule is right and good.
To me there is ABSOLUTELY no comparison whatsoever. Those who believe there is or can be are simply wrong. I understand the simple SUPPOSED similarities, but step back and take a breath, they are opposites.
Indoctrination of good or evil may both be indoctrination, but they're still opposites.
The other (or original) Damien said it right.
There is no denying this was a "labour party youth camp" and thus it is indoctrination. Though I never did go to Catholic Youth Camps - they still exist I believe - I would never send my kids to them - do we want sheep for children or free thinkers?
@DCQC: Thanks for bringing an emphasis to my last comment.
Damien Charles QC,
I think that part of the problem is the absolute certainty some people have when it comes to their political beliefs to the point where they want to make sure their children grow up to be mirror images of themselves. Again, I won't make any excuses for Breivik. My heart goes out to those poor children who he callously murdered, and their grieving families who will never see their kids again. I hope Breivik dies in prison.
I am so glad to see that Jason, my good friend, is out and about in the blogosphere again!
"In this sense, I think it is reasonable to compare the Labor Party Youth Camp's specific indoctrination of Israel-hate to the Hitler Youth Camp's teaching of abject Jew-hate."
Hey, you sound just like Debbie Schlussel. She makes a transparently phoney pro forma condemnation of Breivik's actions before basically saying his victims deserved to be gunned down in cold blood. Then, just to make sure her readers got the message, she equates the flag of Norway to that of Nazi Germany. Norwegians = Nazis, doncha know.
I'm as contemptuous of the Norwegian Labour Party as anyone. I detest everything they stand for: mass immigration, multiculturalism, Islamization, political correctness, etc, including their Boycott Israel propaganda. But that doesn't make them Nazis, and they don't deserve to be executed no matter how stupid their beliefs are.
It seems that most of the support for Breivik is coming from the Eretz Israel/Kahanist/Baruch Goldstein Fan Club corner of the blogosphere. Their "Nord-hate" is now out in the open for everyone to see. Even most white nationalists seem to be distancing themselves from Breivik and his ideology.
But not Debbie Schlussel. The good news is that many of the usually rabid Jewish supremacists that populate her comments section are having none of it.
My argument is an anti-Palestinian-eliminationist agenda argument.
I do not buy the notion that Israel is an apartheid state. In fact, in order to believe that, you have to be a racist, because only racists believe that to be a Jew is to be primarily a member of a race. Hitler believed that.
Judaism is a set of beliefs based upon the Bible.
A person can become a Jew, if they convert to that belief system.
Ergo to become a Jew is an ideological conversion, not a change of race-identity.
Judaism is a religion and Jews are an ethnicity. These facts do not contradict each other and are recognized by Israel's Law of Return:
"The Law of Return 5710-1950 was enacted by the Knesset, Israel's Parliament, on July 5, 1950.[2] The Law of Return declares the right of Jews to come to Israel, claimed to be their ancestral homeland, and to facilitate their immigration. The Law stated: "Every Jew has the right to come to this country as an oleh." Follow-up legislation on immigration matters was contained in the Nationality Law of 1952. The Law of Return was modified in 1970 to include non-Jews with a Jewish grandparent, and their spouses.
The law since 1970 applies to those born Jews (having a Jewish mother or maternal grandmother), those with Jewish ancestry (having a Jewish father or grandfather) and converts to Judaism (Orthodox, Reform, or Conservative denominations—not secular—though Reform and Conservative conversions must take place outside the state, similar to civil marriages)."
Israeli nationality is based on jus sanguinis, right of blood, unlike American nationality, which is based on jus soli, right of soil. Israel is the ethnostate of the Jews as well as being the homeland of Judaism. Many non-Jews from the former Soviet Union have become Israeli citizens based on their partial Jewish ancestry.
You know, I feel like shit today AND it seems that people keep misunderstanding me. Sorry if I seem a bit cranky.
Jeppo, my point is that the idea of Israel being an apartheid state is based upon the idea that Israel is a ethnic nationalist state.
It is not an ethnic nationalist state.
Instead, it is, like America, a state based upon a body of ideas. A person can become a citizen of Israel based upon conversion.
This means it can not be an apartheid state.
Indeed, if a Palestinian converted to Judaism, he could become a citizen of Israel.
Of course, it would be very unlikely that his "conversion" would be deemed to be in Good Faith. But, if he were able to convince his Rabbi of his sincerity, it would work.
In fact, watch for this to become an issue in future years.
If it will help to clarify the issue for you, I am not denying that there is an ethnic component to Judaism. For instance, the Hassidic Jews are Ethnic Ashkenazi Jews, of Eastern Europe. Most Jews we know in the US and Europe are Ashkenazi Jews. In Israel, you find a lot of Sephardic Jews, who look more like Arabs.
Those are ethnic, or racial, classifications. Right?
Does that help clarify my meaning?
Anonymous said: Anonymous said...
Breivik is MY HERO!
Pastorius responds: Keep commenting. Eventually the Echelon computer will read you, if it has not already, and the CIA will be at your door shoving shit up your ass.
"based upon conversion"
Now, I have heard that argument before directed as a criticism...
Pasto, hope you feel better soon.
The "Israel is an apartheid state" meme is just a bullshit Leftist propaganda offensive meant to delegitimize the Jewish state. It worked for them in destroying white South Africa, the only halfway functional nation on that continent, and now they're trying to do the same with Israel. The Left will always side with terrorists (ANC, PLO, Hamas) over civilization.
But Israel is *not* like America, its nationality is based on jus sanguinis rather than jus soli, and its body of ideas are based on religion rather than political ideology. And remember that for most of its history, America was for all intents and and purposes an ethnostate as well. The Nationality Act of 1790 restricted US citizenship to "free white persons".
Israel is both an ethnic and a religious state. Citizenship is granted on the basis of Jewish ancestry and/or Jewish religion. And guess what? There's nothing wrong with an ethnostate for the Jews, or for anyone else for that matter, regardless of what any nation-wrecking Leftist might say.
I just hope that Israel and other outposts of higher civilization like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan never succumb to the suicidal "Proposition Nation" anti-culturist ideology that's destroying America and the rest of the West through mass Third World immigration and the multicultural diktat.
To the "Breivik is MY HERO!" guy: Breivik is no hero. Even though I agree with most everything in his manifesto, slaughtering innocent civilians makes one a villain, not a hero. Morality 101.
The Jews are a race which began with their ancestor Abraham whose son was Isaac, whose son was Jacob whose name was changed to Israel by God at: Genesis 32:28
The man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel , because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome."
The knowledge of Yahweh as God almighty passed down from Abraham to his children is Judaism.
Turns out Norway isn't the pacific idyllic left-wing paradise we've heard about in the media.
The following is a partial list of church arsons:
May 23: burning of Storetveit Church in Bergen[23]
Jun 6: burning of Fantoft stave church in Bergen[24] – Varg Vikernes is strongly suspected as the culprit, but was not convicted.[24]
Aug 1: burning of Revheim Church in Stavanger[24]
Aug 21: burning of Holmenkollen Chapel in Oslo[23] – Varg Vikernes and Faust were convicted for this.
Sep 1: burning of Ormøya Church in Oslo[23]
Sep 13: burning of Skjold Church in Vindafjord[23] – Varg Vikernes and Samoth were convicted for this.
Oct 3: burning of Hauketo Church in Oslo[23]
Dec 24: burning of Åsane Church in Bergen[1] – Varg Vikernes and Jørn Inge Tunsberg were convicted for this.[1]
Dec 25: burning of a Methodist church in Sarpsborg[1] – a firefighter was killed while fighting this fire.[1]
Feb 7: burning of Lundby New Church in Gothenburg, Sweden[25]
Mar 13: burning of a church in Sund[26]
Mar 27: burning of Seegård Church in Snertingdal[26]
May 16: attempted burning of Gol stave church in Buskerud[26]
May 17: attempted burning of Åmodt Chapel in Buskerud[26]
Jun 4: burning of Frogn Church in Drøbak[26]
Jun 19: attempted burning of Heni Church in Gjerdrum[26]
Jul 7: burning of a church in Jeløy[26]
Jul 21: attempted burning of Odda's Church[26]
Aug 13: attempted burning of Loop Chapel in Meldal[26]
Dec 10: attempted burning of Åkra Church[26]
Dec 22: attempted burning of Askim Church[26]
Dec 26: attempted burning of Klemestrud Church[26]
May 13: burning of Lord Church in Telemark[27]
May 25: burning of Såner Church in Vestby[27]
Jun 14: burning of Moe Church in Sandefjord[27]
Jul 21: attempted burning of a church college in Eidanger[27]
Sep 3: attempted burning of Vågsbygd church college in Oddernes[27]
Nov 3: burning of Innset Church in Rennebu[27] (source: Wiki)
Can you imagine the media outcry if this had been a mosque instead of over two dozen Christian churches?
«Everything in them is thrilled, and happy to run to the idea that the Jews have themselves an apartheid state and are no better than Europeans.
Take the apartheid down and have the country just for you. You are taking the risk of loosing it because that's what islam does.
Former EDL member Paul Ray insists that he has 'nothing to hide' and has branded Breivik's actions as 'pure evil'
Sunday, July 31, 2011 1:03:00 AM
«The document discusses weapons of mass destruction and is specific about potential UK targets. Oilfields in the North Sea are listed,«
jeppo, you are defender of the EDL, and you have defended at least SOME of the ideas of the BNP, or do I have it wrong?
HALF of my family could claim right of return.
Not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM has any jewish 'sanguinis' properties to them. Not a single one of them has any jewish person anywhere in their heritage.
You comments are well past wanting to fit facts into your world belief system.
Like others who find 'jewish/israeli supremacism' the founding documents of their suspicion vary in what they say from what others run to believe.
Usually it's the talmud, which for some odd reason never comes close to saying what the racists claims, but I regretfully see here that the Vlaams Belang form of 'support' for Israel now encompasses the law of return?
You better put your clothes back on jeppo
Epa, your comment is rambling and incoherent, and therefore difficult to answer. But, I will do my best.
Yes, I support the EDL and BNP, also Vlaams Belang, Sweden Democrats, Norwegian Progress Party, Wilders/PVV, Front National, Lega Nord, Danish and Swiss Peoples Parties, Austrian Freedom Party, Die Freiheit, True Finns and every other conservative nationalist political party and patriotic group opposed to mass immigration, multiculturalism, Islamization and political correctness.
I also support Avigdor Lieberman and his Israel Our Home party, and the idea that Israel is a specifically Jewish state, not a proposition nation.
I don't know anything about you, Epa, or your family, so I'm not qualified to say whether they qualify as Jews under the Law of Return. But you can quickly go to that link I provided and find out for yourself. Briefly, if they have Jewish ancestry or practice Judaism, or if they're a spouse of an ethnic or religious Jew, then yes, they can become Israeli citizens.
Are you implying that I think that the Law of Return is some sort of "Jewish/Israeli supremacism"? Absolutely not. It's a clear, concise formula for building a nation, a REAL nation, one bound by a common history and tradition, and with a shared ancestry, culture and religion.
What about you? Do you support the Law of Return? And if so, how do you reconcile that with your support for the post-1965 Third World immigration invasion of America? The US should just completely abandon its Anglo-European Christian heritage to become a random amalgamation of all the world's races, religions, languages, cultures and nationalities, bound together only by a flimsy ideological premise, while Israel remains a nation of, by and for the Jews, is that it? Ethnostate for me, but not for thee, eh Epa?
Sorry I was away for the day and missed all the fun in here. I wish you would have corrected my spelling (“now in the same breath” should be “not in the same breath”)
I have no illusions about Hamas. If we want to define "Nazi" to be a fascist who wants to kill all the Jews, Hamas fits the bill. Unfortunately, leftists evades the facts and delude themselves about Hamas. You might want to compare leftists in Norway to the average German in the 1933. I have no delusions of the harm that self-inflicted blindness can do. You're right there.
Glad to see we have a healthy debate going on in here (with the exception of one anonymous troll).
As to the Israel is Apartheid meme:
Israel has maintained a 20% Arab population since 1948 and they have more rights than the typical Arab in any Arab country. The fact they have done this as they fought several wars against Arab nations is stunning. I can’t think of many nations that, in wars of survival, didn’t expel (or round up) citizens of similar ethnic backgrounds as that of the enemy. Israel has proved she can be fair to any minority. Let's remember the Arab countries have ethnically cleansed their lands of Jews in the 1950s--most of which now live in Israel.
The left’s “Israel is Apartheid” rhetoric is inflammatory and grossly unjust. It precludes any reasonable debate and understand of the situation. Just like the concept of “cultural genocide” it leaves little room for compromise, nuance, context, or assessment of the complications of the situation. When the left does this, they encourage extreme thinking. And we see they get it in return.
"your support for the post-1965 Third World immigration invasion of America? "
WTF r u talking about?
I support immigration to the USA as it was from about 1845-1924, which built the USA from what it was to what it became. That means Irish, Italians, east europeans, chinese, japanese .. a complete and utter melting pot and goop melange (or lack of) culture. Yay for that. That time period and the results FULFILLED all that america promised in 1789. There can be NO ARGUMENT about that.
Europe is a pigsty of racist leanings and grunting unabrows aching for the solutions of 1290 AD.
Avigdor Lieberman is an ETHNIC NATIONALIST, and an embarrassment to the word, history, experience of those who are identified by any others as 'JEWISH'.
I can find NO DIFFERENCE in principle between him and Don Black or these 'gentle' souls
"Europe is a pigsty of racist leanings and grunting unabrows aching for the solutions of 1290 AD."
No, that is mindless dribble and an excuse for whining.
I do not accept the comments of the other commenter in totallity and all he/she had done is list every hate-filled, bigoted nationalist-come-populist party in Europe. Of which the vast majority have gone on the "anti-Islam" bandwagon pretending to support Israel when if they had their chance, it would have been anti-Semitic from the outset.
Come on Damien II, Europe's solutions are the same as they have been for 1700-2000 years+, the group of 'other' is the only thing that changes.
Today it's the muslims. But jews are not excepted (the loud mouths, you know, not those who 'go along leading their quite lives' ...UNTIL THE USUAL SOLUTIONS OBTAIN at which point they are noticed). There are others as well.
Those parties, Damien which we listed, are not only gaining in popularity, but are gaining in REPRESENTATION.
And why?
Europe is a pigsty of racist leanings and grunting unabrows aching for the solutions of 1290 AD.
That is an OBSERVATION, and solid historical one as well.
I understand your reluctance to accept this, but history and human nature indicate otherwise.
So sorry.
That is why and how america as an idea came into existence as a 20th century power.
We agree on groups such as VB, BTW. I wonder how their program to get pardons for nazi sympathizers and collaborators is going these days?
«That is why and how america as an idea came into existence as a 20th century power.»
so why don't you keep america for you and leave europe for us?
No, I didn't
Una Brau
Portrayed by: Mary Jo Smith
Appears in: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
Una Brau is Frau Farbissina's love interest in the second film. She and Frau met on the LPGA tour and fell in love. She does not speak, and has a unibrow, hence her name. In the film's credits, she is credited as Unibrow but it is pronounced as Una Brau in the film's dialogue.
Which begat,....
Oh and the BNP and the growing popularity of its analogs across western europe, in fact, OBVIATES the idea that a blanket condemnation of europe is made... the TENS OF MILLIONS OF VOTERS their voters make europe the pigsty, NOT MY SUPPOSED BIGOTRY.
Just as WE condemn islam for the lack of EFFECTIVE action by those whose consciences are appalled by what they see around them, so is europe so condemned by the lack of effective action towards this growing number of supporters.
Opposition to bigotry by identifying its growth among a population yearning to to WHAT THEY HAVE HISTORICALLY DONE is not bigotry.
"Europe is a pigsty of racist leanings and grunting unabrows aching for the solutions of 1290 AD."
do you know who opened the gates for islamic invasion in andalucia in the 8th century?
you say "the growing popularity of its analogs across western europe, in fact, OBVIATES the idea that a blanket condemnation of europe is made... the TENS OF MILLIONS OF VOTERS their voters "
Populations vote for change, unhappiness and in crisis looking for either alternatives or as a protest. It would be, in my opinion, grossly inaccurate and disrespectful to assume that people are ugly, racist and bigoted because groups like the BNP, PVV and others were chose to make all the easy nice and tough lines that seem easy. I do not assume that a large section of America's population have chosen to become backward, bigoted and simplistic spoilers because they go tea-party.
That would be false, but that same comparison can be made. There are enough tea-party activists whom are simply laughable and spoilers but they are popular because they say what many of you want to hear and are you in agreements with everything they say?
The reality is that a large conservative segment of the population would rather things returned to the basics in a social, political and economic sense and bingo, activists start selling themselves in that direction. Yes that aspiration is justified and I suspport it, but who is filling the void to get it?
The same is in Europe. Mass immigration of an inapropriate group, liberal acceptance of radical Islamists, socialist agendas that simply do damage, economic crisis and other factors make the population simply sick and tired and demanding change and the only groups that sing to their needs are racist and bigoted groups so that is why they get the vote - it is a protest vote.
" I do not assume that a large section of America's population have chosen to become backward, bigoted and simplistic spoilers because they go tea-party. "
That is an ignorant comparison.
The tea party is not right wing. The tea party is simply about the constitution, and the values expressed in the Federalist papers. You would do well to read them.
No one in the tea party wants to pardon KKK morons, unlike Vlaams who try to find a reasonable way to favor pardons for both Nazi collaborators and sympathizers. No leaders in the tea party are 'deniers', no leaders have even expressed any idea about illegal immigration OTHER THAN SECURE BORDERS.
Try this, THERE IS NO EXCUSE for saying conservatives have few other outlets in Europe.
"The reality is that a large conservative segment of the population would rather things returned to the basics in a social, political and economic sense and bingo, activists start selling themselves in that direction. Yes that aspiration is justified and I suspport it, but who is filling the void to get it? "
Not buying. "WAH WAH, I want merry olde englande back? The one where Harry crossed over and showed those frogs who was who in that muddy field" and all these Finsbury Park types are ruining olde blighty, so therefore the BNP is UNDERSTANDABLE?
Sorry, people like this are total pigs, and exist NOT to bring back the olde wayse' but IN THE END for EIN BLUT. That's your EDL and BNP in america, btw.
THEY ARE OSTRACIZED. The kkk, aryan nation have been destroyed here.
These are conflated issues. If you mean to remove the non assimilation and religious superiority of muslims coming to change what is to something else, and an intolerant something else at that, CHANGE THE LAWS. Arrest those immigrants breaking the laws without mercy. DEPORT THEM as was done with the idiot you guys sent to Lebanon.
BTW, are you excusing the 2005 vote in Gaza as a 'protest vote'?
It's bull.
Today I'm pissed off so I'm going to vote for Mussolini?
Which of course, leads to people saying ..."Europe is a pigsty of racist leanings and grunting unabrows aching for the solutions of 1290 AD."
Find another way.
Break the pattern of millenia (literally).
There'll be cheering over here.
"BTW, are you excusing the 2005 vote in Gaza as a 'protest vote'?
It's bull.
Today I'm pissed off so I'm going to vote for Mussolini?
Which of course, leads to people saying ..."Europe is a pigsty of racist leanings and grunting unabrows aching for the solutions of 1290 AD." "
There is no use discussing with someone who's eyes and ears are shut...
I said - not that it every matters with you - that when people are frustrated, angry, depressed etc, they vote for people who make all the right noises (even if the rest is unpaletable) OR as a protest vote.
Gazans have no much options and we all know that Hamas force themselves upon them as well. Having said that, the Palestinians are so desperate and dissapointed with governemnt that they have no choices to reject both through elections that they are now supporting cooperation between the existing parties including Hamas. That shows desperatation.
Anyway, it is rather a waste of time this discussion, if you want to play the generaliser and assume that Europe is bigoted and even cares or knows about your fixations about 1290 then go ahead but do not be suprised if others (like myself) consider such a comment as rediculous, an excuse and in itself overtely bigoted.
I certainly will not waste my time on such fruitless garbage.
Anonymous said...
Sunday, July 31, 2011 1:03:00 AM
«The document discusses weapons of mass destruction and is specific about potential UK targets. Oilfields in the North Sea are listed,«
Sunday, July 31, 2011 6:27:00 AM
the quote's link:
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