Of course Sen Reid, that reads the other way around as well. Unless there is a compromise or you accept the ALREADY PASSED House Bill you have steered the nation towards disaster (maybe, if no hyperbole has been attached by the admin)
However the president already REJECTED, last weekend, the very compromises between your wants, Reid and republican senators.
As an American, when I hear Obama use the words ‘fair’ and ‘balanced’ I like to thin a second look is required since we all want to be ‘fair’.
But just suppose:
I am 62 in Dec. - so this is near.
I cannot help but feel that the UNAVOIDABLE disaster brought about by unsustainable spending will result from Social Security and Medicare payments which are GOING TO DESTROY THE NATION especially as defense spending and R&D must decline, and then there will be neither for ANYONE.
Flat Tax on people and corporations.
Fix Free Trade so that is enforces equal working conditions WHERE PRODUCTS ARE MADE
Raise retirement, and therefore Medicare age.
The president or leader who can effectively explain this, or programs which TRULY ACHIEVE the equivalent result will be ABRAHAM LINCOLN in 2111 AD.
That's where we are, IMO.
So, we cut Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security -- and just roll catatonic Alzheimer's patients out into the street, I guess. My mother-in-law is one of those Alzheimer's patients.
There are many like my mother-in-law -- or with similar problems.
Followed by the closing of those health-care facilities, too.
The only way out is GROW.
Everything else yields QUICK Spanish Empire like decline or cataclysm
We don't have what it takes to solve the economic crisis. The system will collapse either way and your mother in law, and everyone else will be out on the street anyway. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but we have already gone too far. Better start putting aside survival supplies and planning an escape strategy. And praying if you can. Watch the price of gold, it is a good crisis meter. Now $1627
I'm gonna go with cataclysmic fall. We definitely have gone too far and don't have what it takes to solve it.
Things can become very ugly very quickly.
From over here we hear three totally different stories. The first is that disaster is looming and it will cause chaos everywhere. That comes many in MSM and that they blame each other, this also comes from also the WH. The second, is that there is no problem that there is cash and that it is only scaremongering, that is from the tea-party franchise/mafia/mob. The third that there will be a last minute agreement, that each is just testing the water of support and thus can push their strengths in the final result.
The question is really which one?
If anything, what I noticed is one thing, the Republican Party is in big trouble. If they cannot organise themselves as a single cohesive force, then you have four more years of Obama.
Well I will say this, the majority of the republican party fell behind Boehner, and passed their bill, so from that standpoint Damien, you have been misled by extant source over there.
However, there has been enough tea party rigidity that in fact if the tea party ideas ,, BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT holds out, they are going to get to make THAT case to the american people who will be suffering the worst economy since 1936
I believe they have the reight ideas, but as Pasto says, perception is reality.
It is an INCREDIBLY tough sell.
The biggy is the retirement age MUST BE INCREASED. When SS was started avg age for a man to die was mid 60's now it's about 80, FOr women mid 80's. That makes it a ponzi scheme.
But that's only the cost control side. The US economy MUST GROW BIG TIME and that will be perceived around the world as being a bad thing in a zero sum game.
Never the less, it was the shipping of jobs overseas to slavabour and the funding of the export economies by the the US consumers' real estate equity piggy bank that made it all possible.
I think cataclysm might be the answer as well, since there will be some other Smoot Hawley kind of mistake made.
However, for american, here is the 'good' news ... if it all goes down, our lives will suck the least worst.
Suddenly there will be enuf oil and the price price will crash chasing available cash. We always had a surplus of food. Govt intervention will be regarded as witchcraft and people will have to depend on themselves and their families and neighbors to look out for each other.
This used to be a hell a of a country.
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