Friday, September 23, 2011

...and that's because they don't focus on a key issue

Moonbat Andrew Belonsky has spoken about Obama's inclusion of gays and lesbians in his UN speech. But, there's at least 2 things wrong with this awful leftist's take on the subject. First:
President Obama appeared before the United Nations General Assembly today to outline his vision of the international arena. And, as expected, much of the president’s speech revolved around the debate on Israel and Palestine’s seemingly eternal conflict.
When a leftist like him (but even a pseudo-rightist like Ron Paul) resort to that kind of moral equivalence, something is wrong, I'm afraid.

The States have failed to normalize homosexuality in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. If Obama wants to be seen as a man of his word, he and the State Department will make clear that new governments like those in Egypt and Tunisia in need of American support and money have no choice but to accept and celebrate their LGBT citizens. If they don’t, they will be failing the democratic dreams that fueled their uprisings in the first place.
This was the same most evil commentator who whitewashed the Muslim Brotherhood in past weeks, who apologizes for Islam and attacks its critics, and he's wondering why they fail to normalize homosexuality in those places? No matter what your opinions on homosexuality, the man is making a laughing stock out of himself by his failure to recognize that Islam condones the worst kinds of hostility to gays and lesbians (and it wouldn't be surprising if the RoP were especially hostile to the latter).

So besides his being so otherwise disrespectful to Israel if he's going to perpetuate the lie of a palestinian people of Arabic background, any argument he's making on "normaliztion" of homosexuality in Afghanistan and Iraq just falls flat if he won't come to terms with Islam's form of hostility to gays and lesbians.

1 comment:

Epaminondas said...

On the list of problems to attend to in this world, I am sorry, but the rights of gays and lesbians and how they are treated in Ouagoudougou and Burkina Faso just don't make it to the top issues.
There is no doubt that these people are suffering, but the context of Obama's point is what you hear at the end of a meeting no one cares about and all are thinking about the drive home.
Thrown in garbage
Not serious
everyone everywhere KNOWS IT