Sunday, October 02, 2011

French Police Stoned and Driven Off While Trying to arrest Burka-Wearing Woman 

Delicate situation on Friday evening for the police in Vaulx-en-Velin [suburb of Lyon]. Around 7.30 pm, on Corbusier Way, they see a woman wearing a burka, accompanied by her children. The team heads towards her to record the offence, and asks for her papers. Problem: the woman has to take her veil off for her identity to be confirmed. Not necessarily simple to do in the open street in districts where the police are not well regarded by certain people.  

The woman, aged 34, lives close by and refuses all proposals: identification by a police woman in the street or in the police station, located just a bit further away. She makes hostile remarks, declares firmly that she doesn't give a damn about the law on burka-wearing, adopted last April. 

In situations like that, time is against the police. Bit by bit, the inhabitants encircle the small group. 

There are soon several dozen of them. The woman harangues them, demanding that they help her. Tension mounts rapidly, and the first stones, or other projectiles, start to fly. Before the check turns definitively into a riot, the police prefer to withdraw. While handing the woman a summons to appear at the police station.

During the incident, fortunately, no public official was injured. The woman should have presented herself at the police station this morning. She didn't come. The prosecutor has now decided to send her directly in front of the police tribunal. 
Read the full story here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So,,,,,she won't take the rag off of her head to identify herself to the police????

Simple solution.