Wednesday, October 19, 2011

OWS Protestors Steal $2500 From Charity

Also Stealing From Each Other

From the New York Post:

Occupy Wall Street protesters said yesterday that packs of brazen crooks within their ranks have been robbing their fellow demonstrators blind, making off with pricey cameras, phones and laptops -- and even a hefty bundle of donated cash and food.

“Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment,” said Nan Terrie, 18, a kitchen and legal-team volunteer from Fort Lauderdale.

“I had my Mac stolen -- that was like $5,500. Every night, something else is gone. Last night, our entire [kitchen] budget for the day was stolen, so the first thing I had to do was . . . get the message out to our supporters that we needed food!”
MONEY DOESN’T TALK:An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator with a dollar-bill gag gives voice to his frustrations with a cardboard sign yesterday in Zuccotti Park, where some protesters have proven to be crooks
MONEY DOESN’T TALK:An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator with a dollar-bill gag gives voice to his frustrations with a cardboard sign yesterday in Zuccotti Park, where some protesters have proven to be crooks
Crafty cat burglars sneaked into the makeshift kitchen at Zuccotti Park overnight and swiped as much as $2,500 in donated greenbacks from right under the noses of volunteers who’d fallen asleep after a long day whipping up meals for the hundreds of hungry protesters, the volunteers said.

“The worst thing is there’s people sleeping in the kitchen when they come, and they don’t even know about it! There are some really smart and sneaky thieves here,” Terrie said.

“I had umbrellas stolen, a fold-up bed I brought because my back is bad -- they took that, too!”

Security volunteer Harry Wyman, 22, of Brooklyn was furious about the thievery -- and vowed to get tough with the predatory perps.

“I’m not getting paid, but I’m not gonna stand for it. Why people got to come here and do stupid stuff? All it does is make people not wanna come here anymore,” Wyman fumed.
Why? Because your whole fucking movement is based on stealing the property of others, you douchebag.

Think about it: This kind of shit didn't go down at Tea Party Rallies, now did it?


Unknown said...

this never happened with the TEA Party:

September 18 – New York, NY: 2 Arrests
September 19 – New York, NY: 5 Arrests
September 24 – New York, NY: 80 Arrests
October 1 – New York, NY: 700 Arrests
October 5- St. Louis, MO: 10 Arrests
October 6 – Los Angeles, CA: 11 Arrests
October 6 – San Francisco, CA: 1 Arrest
October 6 – Santa Barbara, CA: 9 Arrests
October 7 – Sacramento, CA: 19 Arrests
October 8 – Des Moines, IA: 32 Arrests
October 11 – Boston, MA: 140 Arrests
October 11 – Washington, D.C.: 6 Arrests
October 11 – Chicago, IL: 21 Arrests
October 12 – Houston, TX: 8 Arrests
October 12 – San Francisco, CA: 11 Arrests
October 13 – Austin, TX: 4 Arrests
October 13 – Seattle, WA: 10 Arrests
October 13 – Portland, OR: 8 Arrests
October 13 – Gainesville, FL: 4 Arrests
October 14 – New York, NY: 14 Arrests
October 14 – Seattle, WA: 1 Arrests
October 14 – Denver, CO: 24 Arrests
October 14 – San Diego, CA: 1 Arrest
October 15 – New York, NY: 92 Arrests
October 15 – Minneapolis, MN: 1 Arrest
October 15 – Raleigh, NC: 15 Arrests
October 15 – Tucson, AZ: 53 Arrests
October 15 – Phoenix, AZ: 46 Arrests
October 16 – Chicago, IL: 175 Arrests
October 16 – Washington, D.C.: 19 Arrests
October 16 – Phoenix, AZ: 3 Arrests

Epaminondas said...

CLEVELAND, Ohio (CBS Cleveland) – An “Occupy Cleveland” protester tells police she was raped in her tent over the weekend.

Cleveland police are investigating an alleged sexual assault incident Saturday at the “Occupy Cleveland” rally involving a 19-year-old female student from Parma.According to police reports, the 19-year-old student was instructed by “Occupy Cleveland” personnel to “share a tent with the suspect due to a shortage of tents.” The suspect identified himself as “Leland” to the woman. The woman told police that after she had thought the suspect went to sleep in his own bed, she slept in a sleeping bag provided to her by the rally.

The student went to school Monday and told a teacher about her sexual assault incident in Public Square — which is being classified as “kidnapping/rape” — prompting the teacher to immediately contact the authorities.