Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Scribecast: J. Christian Adams on Obama’s ‘Lawless’ Justice Department 

(Heritage).In June 2010, J. Christian Adams resigned his post as a career attorney in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Adams cited DOJ’s decision to abandon prosecution of two members of the New Black Panther Party who had brandished weapons outside of a Philadelphia polling station in 2008, shouting racial slurs at passers-by.Adams called itthe simplest and most obvious violation of federal law I saw in my Justice Department career.”

The decision to drop the case – made by top officials at the Civil Rights Division – was part of a very pronounced pattern at the Justice Department, which Adams documents at length in his new book Injustice. He details the “racialist” approach to civil rights law that pervades the Justice Department, its roots in the “racial grievance industry,” and its consequences for the integrity of American elections.
Listen to the interview with J. Christian Adams on this week’s Scribecast
From the fight against voter ID laws to the disenfranchisement of white voters to efforts to pack DOJ’s Civil Rights Division with zealous left-wing ideologues, the trends documented in Injustice are as brazen as they are alarming. 
Adams’s thorough reporting and professional insight offer the most comprehensive and frightening account to date of the Obama administration’s attempts to exact racial retribution through the federal government’s law enforcement powers. 
In speaking with Scribe, Adams described the administration’s approach to civil rights law with a single word: lawlessness. “This is not only lawlessness,” he writes in Injustice, “it is the most dangerous kind of lawlessness – for history shows that once a nation’s laws cease to apply to the law enforcers, individual liberty does not survive for long.” 
Read the full story here.

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