Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Which Iranians on the lam then promptly kidnapped TOTUS


Feds Caught and Released 28 Iranians Who Became Fugitives Inside U.S.; ICE Won’t Say What Happened to Them

During fiscal years 2009 and 2010, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, caught, detained and released at least 28 Iranian nationals inside the United States who then became fugitives when they failed to show up for immigration proceedings.

But here is the really good part..

Over the last three business days, starting on Oct. 14, attempted to find out from ICE how many of the 28 Iranians who were caught and released and became fugitives in fiscal 2009 and 2010—and who were considered fugitives as of Jan. 5 of this year—were still at large as of now.

ICE initially said that, given time constraints, it would be unable to immediately say whether any of the 28 Iranians it had considered fugitives as of Jan. 5 had been apprehended in the intervening time.

Now here’s how it’s done, you go to the computer which is connected to the national database of ICE people in custody, and you type this into the console, just in case your own people have not pre built the query…

“SELECT * from prisoners where country_of_Origin = ‘Iran’

Takes 10 seconds in a BAD system tops.

Of course, if you have no such DB DESPITE the govt spending $3.6 TRILLION this year, and you can;t do this., then WHAT FRICKIN’ GOOD IS THE WHOLE SHEBANG IF YOU CANNOT FIND OUT WHO IS IN CUSTODY OR ON THE LAM IN THREE DAYS?

Of course we all know you can do it and you are just a bunch of frickin liars, becuase you are too embarrassed to TELL THE TRUTH and admit you MAY have put at risk the safety of the people

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