Friday, October 07, 2011

Zogby Poll Says Cain Opens Up 20 Point Lead on Romney

From the Daily Caller:

In news sure to inject shock and awe into the Republican political primary season, a Zogby poll released Thursday showed Herman Cain leading the Republican field, topping former front-runner Mitt Romney by an astonishing 20 points. Cain would also narrowly edge out Obama in a general election, the poll found, by a 46–44 margin.

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, would lose by a point to the president, 40 percent to 41 percent. Texas governor Rick Perry, who has slipped in the polls of late, would lose to the president 45 percent to 40 percent.

The poll found that 38 percent of Republican primary voters said they would vote for Cain if the primary were held today. Eighteen percent said they would throw their support to Romney, while 12 percent each said they would vote for Perry and Texas congressman Ron Paul. No other candidate attracted double-digit support.
This is the second month in a row in which Zogby has found Cain leading the pack; he has surged another 10 points ahead of his competitors since September. Romney, on the other hand, has remained in the same place, while Perry’s share of the primary vote in the Zogby poll has steadily declined since he announced his candidacy in August.

Other pollsters have found Cain at or near the top of the field, with Fox News declaring him a top-tier candidate following its poll last week. That poll found Cain had 17 percent of the vote, trailing Perry by just two points and Romney by five.

A CBS News poll released Tuesday found Romney and Cain tied at 17 percent, with Perry trailing at 12 percent; a YouGov/Economist poll released Thursday found Cain leading with 21 percent, four points ahead of Romney.
Meanwhile, polls show Investors like Romney over four times as much as Obama:

Global investors like Mitt Romney better than any other U.S. presidential candidate, while remaining cool to the Republican field in general.


cjk said...

Perry and Cain supporters have one thing in common, they see Romney as a closet RINO, and the Demonrat choice for our candidate.
I'd guess that as Perry declines, and I believe he will continue to decline, at least 80% of his supporters will pick Cain ahead of Romney.
Of course there's still time for a dark horse to appear, but that gate is being swung shut more and more every day.

Pastorius said...

I love Cain. I loved him from the first time I became aware of him. He's a great man. I think he would be a great President. However, I am concerned because he has no prior political experience.

That being said, our leaders were never supposed to be career politicians in the first place. And, he does have Executive experience.

cjk said...

The most important thing here, ALL IMPORTANT IMO are basic characteristics such as honesty, morality, and humility. I see glimpses of all these qualities in Cain. As for experience, that's overblown you see because the President's real job is mainly to appoint like minded individuals experienced in their individual areas of expertise.

Eric 'my people' Holder, Van Jones, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the current crop of schmucks are reflections of the Man-Child himself.

Pastorius said...

If I have the opportunity to vote for Herman Cain in the upcoming election, it will be the first time I have ever been able to vote for a Presidential candidate I actually liked.

Epaminondas said...

Cain has got to demonstrate a real feel for foreign affairs.

Love him on economy and domestic issue.

But if this poll is correct it is showing TOTAL VOLATILITY settling around Cain's key message being the most important issue.


jeppo said...

This poll seems like an outlier. Most other polls show Romney firmly in the lead, but who knows?

Republican primary voters have to ask themselves two basic questions:

1) Is the candidate good on the most important issues?

2) Does the candidate have a good chance of winning the general election?

On the first question, I would eliminate any candidate who is useless on border security and illegal immigration. Which is all of them except Bachmann, Romney and Cain, in that order.

On the second question, I would eliminate all of them except for Romney and Perry, in that order.

I think Perry could at best--AT BEST--recreate Bush's wafer-thin winning coalitions of 2000 and 2004 by sweeping the Bible Belt but not much else. His whole Southern-fried, cornpone, good ol' boy shtick might appeal to voters in Dixie, but it's not going to fly north of the Mason-Dixon. And given the unpopularity of his illegal alien coddling, it might not even fly in Dixie.

Romney, on the other hand, would not only likely win the Democratic strongholds of Massachusetts and Michigan, but could seriously threaten the Dems in ME, NH, NJ, PA, OH, IN, WI, MN, IO, WA and OR, all states that Obama won in 2008. IOW Romney could win in the North, unlike Perry or any other GOP candidate. And the Republicans had better start winning in the North if they hope to have any future as a national party, as the demographics of the Southern Tier states are changing rapidly in the Democrats' favour.

Bachmann and Cain are both genuine conservatives with good ideas, but I think Obama would make mincemeat out of either of them in the general election. The Republicans would have to be crazy to put forward any candidate without executive experience in government against Obama. As the incumbent, Obama still has to be considered the prohibitive favourite in 2012. He has an absolutely rock solid hold on minorities, white liberals and the media, so the GOP had better put their best possible candidate forward if they're going to have any chance of beating him. And IMO that's Romney.