Thursday, November 17, 2011

Obama, Americans ‘lazy’ and now ‘stupid’?

So earlier this week we have (despite pathetic denials by the DNC) Obama calling us lazy (note link is no less than HuffPo, not exactly the National review).

And now….

Obama To Aussie Students: Our Kids are Behind

by Keith Koffler on November 17, 2011, 9:28 am

There’s an unwritten rule in politics that politicians must not criticize the president when they are overseas. How about adding America’s school kids to the list of untouchables?

Speaking at a high school in Australia, President Obama told a group of Aussie students that their counterparts in his country had “fallen behind” when it comes to math and science, saying he wants to reform the public school system.

Obama also asserted that poor children don’t get “support they need when they’re very young’’ and are “already behind’’’ when they enter grammar school, according to a press pool report.

Obama might have thought twice before casting America’s public school kids in a negative light to foreign students. Especially since he can exclude his own children from the system by paying for them to attend private school.

One might feel uncomfortable saying many types of unpleasant things about our country to people overseas. But then, one would have to be an American exceptionalist.

He just doesn’t get it.

From placing his hand over his heart to insulting american children as an ignorant stereotype, he simply is UNABLE to comprehend the track he is on, and it’s self fulfilling consequences.

He is THE icon. He sets THE tone. He leads THE parade.

He sets the THE discussion window.


Manifold said...

And now where exactly does Obama call Americans "stupid" and "lazy"? He's criticizing the American education systems, not the people themselves.

I'm a European right-winger and quite sympathetic to your cause, but still I must to ask.

Epaminondas said...

Manifold, we are a democracy as you well know, so when he calls our system results lazy and stupid precisely who and what do you think he is criticizing?



There is no 'they' or 'them'

Anonymous said...

Also remember that he now has a three year track record of belittling his country and countrymen while traveling abroad. There is no mistake in what he's doing.

Like Hitler, Obama beleives his nation has failed him and unlike him zero has semi hidden a disdain for geuine americana from the begaining

Anonymous said...

By the way I'm not calling him Hitler, just exposing him as a dangerously broken personality in a position of power with tendencies that are destructive

Manifold said...

"[...] when he calls our system results lazy and stupid [...]"

Where exactly in the text does he call them lazy and stupid? Please point it out for me, thank you.

Epaminondas said...

You are being obtuse. I could say slow means RETARDED, or that in the american education system (where my wife is) when you are said to have 'fallen behind' it's code for the result of the same condition, but that would be even more pejorative,. If you looked at the links, you would see Obama EXPLICITLY called us lazy.

And I don't buy your 'right wing' story.

These two latest episodes (as a commenter points out) are of a piece with the pattern this man has set beginning with his failure on stage with the democratic candidates for the 2008 election, to hold his hand over his heart for the pledge or anthem. Every other candidate did so. Not Obama. His remaining with Wright and his explicitly anti american invective and beliefs over 20 years not with standing, his disrespect for men like Churchill, the founding documents, private property and free enterprise indicate a true belief set in which the values of the USA in particular and the west in general as we have all come to understand them demonstrate he believes we were evil at birth and remain uncorrected.

Like J Carter before him when faced with the result of his ideology used as a frame for action the fault must inevitably be that of the people who follow that 'wrong at birth' doctrine.