Thursday, November 03, 2011

Who is in charge of the Clattering Train?

Taking a look around the web this AM….


End of the Euro, end of the European Union

Obama’s WH now subpoenaed over Solyndra’s corrupt and ideologically warped reality

China selling C802 missiles to Iran in spite of their promises, and now being their major arms supplier

Obama saying God is on HIS ‘side’

Cain and the incredibly ill handled mess which MIGHT be no more than smears, but will kill his candidacy, all authored by Perry? Rahm? Does it matter? Who will run for this office that is PERFECT?

Debt increased by $650 for every American in October 2011.

15% of the USA is now on food stamps

Columnists APPLAUD the decline of the USA as being a factor in why we will be happier now

Kaffiyeh dressed ‘workers’ in #occupy on freaked out rampage claim to represent 99% of USA, and attack WHOLE FOODS?

The Air Force fires 436 captains to prepare for the impending 40% cut in the the US budget imposed by congress for the supercommittee’s failure to propose, and congress to adopt deficit and debt elimination.

John Corzine, former US Senator and Gov of NJ presides over one of the largest bankruptcies in history as his MF Global firm admits $700 million of investor money is missing

Israel is said to be preparing to act alone, as they certainly are alone, to attack Iran preemptively.

Every SINGLE nation in the Arab ‘Spring’ moves towards outright Shariah.

The USA under Obama is moving towards recognizing those forces, the Taliban who worked intimately and gave support to those who killed 3000 americans on 9/11, BECAUSE IS IT NOW CONVENIENT in order to get get out of Afghanistan.

This administration CONTINUES its attack on american produced fossil fuels OF ALL KINDS

A very recent ‘war game’ simulating another financial collapse under the Dodd Frank law demonstrates FAILURE of the systems in place, AGAIN, and it’s run by those in the Political-Business-Academic elite in groups incest orgy, and they CAN’T HIDE IT.

Freddie Mac needs another $6 billion to remain solvent

Federal stimulus money will now buy diapers

Overseas we are not disrepected, we are IGNORED

American (formerly) based companies move their headquarters, and manufacturing overseas one after another, while here they pay little or no taxes, and STILL advise Obama on our economy, AT HIS REQUEST

Who is in charge of the clattering train?

The axles creak and the couplings strain,
and the pace is hot and the points are near,
and sleep hath deadened the driver’s ear,
and the signals flash through the night in vain,
for death is in charge of the clattering train

This nation is in a complete VOID of leadership.

The leadership cannot plan effectively.

The leadership has the wrong ideology and cannot be practical when required, or envision practicality.

The leadership cannot envision enemies except domestic ones. It may even be that they regard the domestic opposition as the greater enemy.

The leadership avoids problems instead of confronting them.

The leadership has taken every real problem it has inherited and made it all vastly worse, with the exception of two deaths carried out by the military.


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