Tuesday, May 01, 2012

One Year Ago Today Pres. Obama Did Exactly What Any Other Pres. Would Do
And Why He Has More in Common With So. Park's Timmy than, say, Jimmy Carter

Why was every one so happy that President Obama gave the order to get Osama bin Laden? Something any other President in our history, living or dead, would not have hesitated in doing? Why do we celebrate something that should have been reflexive?

We don't celebrate breathing. We don't act surprised when someone displays the ability to drink water. Signing Osama bin Laden's death warrant is about the moral equivalent of any other non-cognitive bodily function. It's that big of a no-brainer.

And let's not forget, Obama hesitated. He had to think about whether or not he wanted to go after Osama bin Laden. It's like weighing the moral consequences of putting one foot in front of the other and walking.

The fact that this caused him angst says much more about his character than the fact that he eventually ordered the hit.

The only explanation for why all of us were so relieved is that we weren't sure this guy had the nerve to do it. In other words, we were pleasantly surprised.

That's how low of an opinion we had of him. That he was so feckless and weak that when he did what any other man would do we patted him on the back and said, way to go Sparky!

Click on the title to read the whole thing at Jawa Report.

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