Sunday, August 12, 2012

Are You Noticing?

Obama keeps getting more and more gaunt.

He is almost cadaverous in appearance and is swamped by clothes too large.

How fast is he losing weight?

Yesterday, I watched a bit of live coverage, and the view was a longer shot showing him from head to toe. Then, on the closeups, every bone in his face showed, and his complexion appeared jaundiced. Perhaps the jaundiced appearance was due to the lighting, but I don't think so.


WC said...

He's gotta sneak some Big Macs on the campaign trail when mooch is not looking.

Pastorius said...


Hey AOW, you ought to put up a photo that reflects this gaunt Obama. I don't watch the news, so I have not seen this new gaunt Obama.

Always On Watch said...

Will has such a photo, I think.

But they are easy to find. I'll look.