Friday, September 14, 2012

Gasping Here

I work a heavy schedule on Tuesdays through Thursdays.   Yet, no matter how tired I am or how much "school work" I have to do, every day after I get home from work, I head to the computer to check on the day's news.

Since early Wednesday morning on September 12, I've been reading news stories that take my breath away.

I find it impossible to believe that Obama doesn't understand the significance of what's transpiring in the Middle East right now.

I've come to the conclusion that Obama approves of and wants these events to occur.  In other words, he's doing exactly what he wants to do in the present situation.  I have come to this conclusion after reading THIS a few minutes ago.

His version of the New World Order?

His seeing to it that the West and Western ideals are denigrated and punished because of Western colonialism of Third World countries?

His channeling the dreams from his father?

All three, I think.

Furthermore, in my view, Obama is exhibiting some of the following signs of passive-aggressive behavior:
1. Procrastinates
2. Sulks, becomes irritable or becomes very quickly argumentative
3. Tends to work slowly or deliberately do a bad job on tasks
that he or she really does not want to do
4. Protests (unrealistically) that everyone is making
unreasonable demands
5. "Forgets" obligations
6. Believes that he or she is doing a much better job than others
7. Usually resents useful suggestions from others on how to
become more productive
8. Fails to do his or her share of the work, thereby obstructing
other's efforts
9. Unreasonably criticizes people in positions of authority
10. Cannot seem to accept responsibility or blame for problems
resulting from their poor performance and tend to project this
blame on others
I submit, however, that Obama knows exactly what he is doing and is consciously endeavoring to manipulate the situation to his own benefit, namely, the consolidating his own power as well as exacting revenge for colonialism.

The only other possibility that I can offer is that Obama is a Muslim.


Unknown said...

Rumor on twitter has it that the Ambassador spoke up about A white house staff member connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and therefor has been 'eliminated' by the brotherhood.Don't know of any source for this.
Except of Shoebat's story that they said they were send by Morsi.

Pastorius said...

He's sticking it to the man.

Epaminondas said...

I think that when those who THINK they exist on another plain, are confronted by the grubby, grasping realities of human beings, engaged in the dirty business of day to day living and power and ambition, it causes such a person to retreat EVEN FURTHER into their introverted, disconnected selves, and causes the sycophants around such a person to ACCELERATE their ill advised, and failing ('lofty and forward looking') ideas.

The REAL enemy to such people must always be the republican party. Only they can take away what the person who lives on another plain values most.