Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Belgian Journalist held prisoner in Syria claims gas used by ‘rebels’, not Assad


Report: Intercepts Caught Assad Repeatedly Rejecting Requests From Field Commanders To Use Chemical Weapons…


Walter Sieruk said...

There is an old saying from the Far-East which is that "Nothing is so bad that action will not make it worse." If Obama gets his way in sending amilitary strike into Syria that may very well prove that ancient proverb to be true.

Walter Sieruk said...

With this conflict in Syria both sides are bad. Thre is no national or rational reason for the sake of America's homeland security to get involved in the civil war in Syria. America needs to keep out of it.

Epaminondas said...

Well as long as we are all sure what the f is going on

Pastorius said...

I feel no confidence that I know what's going on.