Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nearly 1 in 4 "Asian Men" Have Raped a Woman

The word "Asian" is a very relative term. Just look at the list of countries:
Nearly one in four men surveyed in Asia say they have raped a woman at least once according to a disturbing new report. 
Among men interviewed in Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka 1 in 10 said he had raped a woman who wasn't his partner. The rate rose by 24 percent when partners were included. 

Through their efforts, 10,000 men between 18 and 49 years of age were interviewed in private surveys that never used to word "rape."Instead, the men read sexual and/or physically violent scenarios and were asked if they had ever acted that way either toward a partner or non-partner. 
A little under half admitted to having raped more than one woman, with the numbers drastically rising or falling by region. 
Among the nine sites surveyed within the countries, the most men admitting to being physically violent and/or sexually violent with a partner were in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, where an overwhelming 80% of men admitted to such behavior. Papua, Indonesia came in second with 60% of men. 
In contrast two other Indonesian sites described simply as "urban" and "rural" contained the survey's least amount of men that admitted to such behavior. 
Among the reasons cited, the most common reported was men's claimed sense of sexual entitlement. That was followed by claims of motivation out of fun or boredom, anger or punishment, and lastly drinking.


Anonymous said...

I believe that there is nothing inherently wrong with one race as opposed to another but I also think that at times race can be indicative of the culture one adheres to.

Contrary to popular politically correct BS, I think there are good cultures and bad cultures. Most of the cultures in the world are bad. The Western culture I believe is the most superior one (even with all the forced erosion going on right now).

This survey doesn't surprise me one bit. The concept of raping "one's partner" doesn't really exist as clearly in the Asian cultures as it does in the Western culture. In Islam for example, raping your wife is an accepted act that is considered "fine" by both men and women. Even women who are raped by their husbands don't consider it as something odd. They accept this torture as part of their fate, just like animals can't complain about how they are treated by their masters, neither can women.

I can say with surety that if I had stuck to the Pakistani/Islamic culture then even after leaving Islam I'd be a completely and utterly barbaric person. I wouldn't consider it rape if I forced sex on my wife and neither would I consider it wrong if I treated my wife as my property.

I am glad and thankful for the Western culture (there are a lot of things I disagree with in the current brand of Western culture being pushed for in the media) for without the goodness of the Western culture I wouldn't even be able to set myself apart from the barbarians of Asia and Islam.

And I believe the goodness in Western culture comes from Judeo-Christian principles but that's a discussion for another time and another thread.


Pastorius said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly and enthusiastically.
