Monday, September 23, 2013

The looming Cruz inspired showdown

This is an OMG WTF.
Just watched Cruz on Wallace
Unknown to me is if this shutdown means:
No social security checks?
Cashing in CD’s? Bonds?
No govt pay, including military pay?
No school funds distributed?
No military inventory?
No F-35’s or VA class sub production?
Anyone know?


Anonymous said...

I believe we best get used to living without a functional Federal government. Whatever happens in the short run Washington has no future.

Pastorius said...

I have no idea.

But we always need to be aware, what the government gives, the government can take away.

Pastorius said...

Counting on government to help is putting all your eggs in one basket.

It's a fool's gamble.

Christine said...

All I care about is my student loan. I hope it doesn't get held up.

Charles Martel said...

... and don't forget what can even be worse than everything you mentioned! How about the money to rebuild mosques in the Middle East?! That would be criminal! Who cares about SS checks! How could we deprive our enemy of building their beach heads?!

Always On Watch said...

If Social Security check are not delivered, medical facilities, particularly pharmacies, will be in deep shit -- as will the utility companies.

Just two quick examples of the ripple effect.

Epaminondas said...

AoW, I'm with you in that one. If SS checks are affected 95% of seniors will never vote for a republican (right or wrong) again. Even though many seniors have other income, how would the general populace react to an almost NO WARNING reduction in income of 10-70%?
The entire POINT of SS is voided. When this is realized, and everyone who is 62+ and can work floods into the marketplace .... DOWN GO SALARIES AND HOURLY WAGES.

Cruz cannot possibly have thought this one through. IMHO

Epaminondas said...

BTW according to what I just read, 60% of seniors on SS have NO OTHER INCOME.

I don't think I am some Rovian type, but I have a message for Cruz.

You're a fucking LOOOOONATIC for even making this a real threat. Every single utterance you have made should have been carefully leavened with notice that SS would be untouched.

One of the failures of govt today making it BAD GOVT is that ideologues and factionalism had birthed fools who can NO LONGER DISCERN WHAT IS PRACTICAL from what is Lenin in 1919, or it's thru the mirror equivalent.