Monday, September 23, 2013

Who is David Cameron to tell anybody what to think?

After the horrific terrorist attack in Kenya, the British prime minister turned self-appointed apologist:
'Don't represent Islam'

Mr Cameron condemned the attacks, adding "because the situation is ongoing we should prepare ourselves for further bad news".

"These appalling terrorist attacks that take place where the perpetrators claim they do it in the name of a religion - they don't," he said.

"They do it in the name of terror, violence and extremism and their warped view of the world. They don't represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world."
What are the odds he's aware of the repulsive verses in the Koran that prove otherwise, and is too much a coward to say?

James Halling at The Commentator asks:
Hold on David. Since when did you become a scholar of Islam?

We've heard this "they're-not-real-Muslims" line many times since 9/11. But since they claim to be doing what they're doing in the name of Islam; since they're Muslims; and since they're obviously prepared to die for their religion, even as they kill others, it's not clear to me why we should listen to the secular-fudgey-quasi-Christian Prime Minister of Britain rather than them concerning their Islamic identity.
Since Cameron didn't provide any verses from the Koran to prove otherwise, nor did he say why he thinks the most vile are worth defending, I don't think he's worth the effort. His lazy apologia is nothing more than a cure for insomnia.


Anonymous said...

He is representative of the political class, I mean the Pussy class, throughout the west. Sickening, disgusting, and stupid. These assholes are going to get a lot of us and out loved ones killed.

Charles Martel said...

1. He is a talking head for the NWO, and since the savages are speeding up the process, this useful idiot gives them his support and that of his country.

2. The British political class, as everybody else in Britain, fully deserve what's coming to them. There should be some kind of plaque thanking these fools on the walls of the future pasha's palace.

Anonymous said...

I have long accepted the reality that before we can get around to hauling the Religion of Peace out of the moral and intellectual cul-de-sac which it has occupied for over fourteen hundred years – particularly those members of it who have been permitted to occupy a significant percentile of this once green and pleasant land – we will first have to ‘remonstrate’ quite strongly with Cameron and his ilk; and, when it comes to the ‘ilk’, then not just here, but throughout the Euro/Anglosphere.

Furthermore, at that Philippi we will have to face the saddest aspect of this whole debacle which is that the process is going to have to be brutal and ruthless and neither the Demented Slaves of Allah nor the cultural traitors who protect them and enable them in their attempted conquest will ever begin to understand why their levelling is necessary, not just for the liberation of these cold, windswept islands in the north Atlantic but for the survival of our species as a whole.

It is axiomatic that modern technology, in the hands of the practitioners of an unchanged, primitive, pre-medieval belief system founded upon and sustained by the practice of the abomination that is human slavery and that has known neither Enlightenment nor Renaissance could well be the end of life as we know it on this small ball of oxygenated and hydrated silicon circling a G2 star in an outer arm of a minor galaxy.

In the final analysis I am of the opinion that Islam is not just a purse string suture in the rectum of human progress but also an evolutionary tourniquet that has be snipped, and soon, before the toxic effluent backing up behind it poisons us all.

Seneca III