Sunday, January 11, 2015

Herbie Hancock


Pastorius said...

This is really cool. Is that Bennie Maupin on Bass Clarinet?

midnight rider said...

Nope, believe it or not I'm fairly sure it's Marcus Miller.

Pastorius said...

You're right, that is Marcus Miller.

All these years and I never knew he played Bass Clarinet. Very cool.

I thought that guy had to be too young to be Bennie Maupin.

But the only three Jazz Bass Clarinetists I have known of were Dolphy, Paul McCandless, and Bennie Maupin.

midnight rider said...

I knew Miller was a multi-instrumentalist but had to look up if the clarinet was one of them.

And same as you he looked too young to be Maupin who would have been in his mid 60s (I think) when this was filmed.