Sunday, January 11, 2015

We Are The World, We Are The Children ...

Breaking: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu & Fatah Leader Abbas to Join World Leaders at Paris Rally

God Help Us, Everyone


I read a comment at another blog last night which sums up why I think this march is total We Are The World Bullshit:

"This march will be yet another opportunity for world leaders to tell us these acts of terror have nothing to do with Islam."

Just you watch.
And if this whole march proceeds according to the usual logic of this fucked up world, then Netanyahu, because he is a great and honest man, will not lie. He will tell the truth about the causes behind these Jihadist acts of terror.

And he will come out of this as a pariah and he will be vilified, and possibly even condemned by the UN for "hate speech".
That's how this world works.
Look, I'd love to believe everyone has finally learned their lesson. But if Mahmoud Abbas is attending, then you know this is all a big steaming pile of shit.

US & Obama Administration Noticeably Absent at Massive Paris Anti-Terror March


Anonymous said...

Abbas should not be allowed to attend. That would send the Muslim world a message. But I doubt it. They are not that brave.

Pastorius said...

I read a comment at another blog last night which sums up why I think this march is total We Are The World Bullshit:

"This march will be yet another opportunity for world leaders to tell us these acts of terror have nothing to do with Islam."

Just you watch.

Epaminondas said...

when those two go to some bar (even if Abbas has a coke) let me know.

Anonymous said...

Giuliani to DiBlasio: Put cops back in mosques after Hebdo assassinations

Charlie Hebdo Police Commissioner commits suicide

police stopped watching Paris killers 6 mos. ago

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