Thursday, December 10, 2015

‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation

There is a persistent Leftist myth that there are no "No-Go Zones" in England or France.

And yet, over and over, the Police and other "authorities" involved in Administering the government and security services have, indeed, said there are areas they don't go into for fear of the confrontations that will ensue; that these areas are more trouble than they are worth; that they are ungovernable.

From the Express:
Serving officers in terrorist hotspots including London and Birmingham said that forces are becoming increasingly nervy over the rising threat of Islamic State (ISIS) inspired attacks, with some telling staff not to wear their uniforms in their OWN patrol cars. 
One officer in London said the firebrand presidential hopeful was “pointing out something plainly obvious” whilst another in Lancashire said the police have to ask local Muslim leaders for PERMISSION before sending patrols into their communities. 
Their shocking testimonies are in stark contrast to the official responses from politicians and the Metropolitan Police, who have rounded on Mr Trump’s controversial claims. 
The Republican frontrunner provoked fury across the globe on Monday when he said that all Muslims should be banned from entering America to combat terrorism. 
During a tub thumping speech to party activists he also took a swipe at Britain, saying: “We have places in London and other places that are so radicalised that police are afraid for their own lives.” 
His comments were widely derided by British politicians including David Cameron, who called them “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong”. 
The Metropolitan Police also issued a withering statement saying Mr Trump “could not be more wrong” whilst London Mayor Boris Johnson said his claims were “utter nonsense”. 
But they have been fatally undermined by members of the rank and file, who have said that fear of Islamist extremism within Britain’s police is widespread despite the protestations of the authorities.


Always On Watch said...

Another reason why Trump's popularity is soaring. People know the truth -- despite the msm media blackout.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile...subversives have a bridge for sale(/sarc)8 years in the making:

Big pow-wow of the refugee pushers and the no-borders gang... Dec. 13-15 at NIIC 2015, the country’s largest immigration-related conference, and the largest National Immigrant Integration Conference at New York Marriott at Brooklyn Bridge, 333 Adams St, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Academic Perspectives/Education
Administrative Relief
Economic Justice
Rights & Freedoms
Combatting Overpolicing, Racism, Xenophobia
Global Response to Migration, the Crisis of Citizenship
Decriminalize. Decarcerate. Liberate.
Non Citizen Voting

Anonymous said...

Gates of Vienna: Islamic Timelines fueling jihad
Summary: With the convergence of two Islamic timelines (al Qaeda, OIC) to destroy the West culminating THIS month (the OIC’s timeline ending Dec. 9th), along with the Muslim Brotherhood’s engagement in violent jihad, as opposed to the softer jihad of dawah (inviting non-believers to Islam, meant only as a
preparatory phase to violent jihad), Westerners, as predicted by Major Stephen Coughlin, are in for the biggest shock of their lives in the dark times ahead, beginning this week, especially now that the caliphate has been re-established.

These two Islamic timelines, in addition to two Muslim Brotherhood documents — all of which were ignored by Western leaders — are mobilizing jihadists worldwide. The Muslim Brotherhood’s primary mission of dawah, which shakes the identity and faith of Westerners, making them more vulnerable to Islamic conversion and submission, has reached its goal and is ready to be superseded by the next jihad phase, that being all-out war, or violent jihad. All Islamic groups are working together to wage violent jihad on the West. Their intention to do so began ever since the first caliphate was abolished in 1924.