Wednesday, October 05, 2016

ISIS Calls for Random Knife Attacks in Alleys, Forests, Beaches, 'Quiet Neighborhoods'...

ISIS Calls for Random Knife Attacks in Alleys, Forests, Beaches, 'Quiet Neighborhoods'... 
A footnote in the article states that ISIS won't be using the term "lone wolf," but "just terror operations" -- "just" as an adjective for "justice." Al-Qaeda calls lone operations "open-source jihad." 
Hinting that the article is one in a forthcoming series about terror tactics, ISIS focused on the benefits of knives to help potential terrorists with the "ocean of thoughts" that "might pour into one’s mind" when considering an attack. 
"Many people are often squeamish of the thought of plunging a sharp object into another person’s flesh. It is a discomfort caused by the untamed, inherent dislike for pain and death, especially after 'modernization' distanced males from partaking in the slaughtering of livestock for food and the striking of the enemy in war," the unbylined article states. 
"However, any such squirms and discomforts are never an excuse for abandoning jihad." ISIS suggested a "campaign of knife attacks" in which the attacker "could dispose of his weapon after each use, finding no difficulty in acquiring another one." 
Knife-wielding terrorists are advised to target smaller crowds or someone walking home from a night out or working the night shift, "or someone walking alone in a public park or rural forested area, or someone by himself in an alley close to a night club or another place of debauchery, or even someone out for a walk in a quiet neighborhood. One should consider canals, riversides, and beaches." 
They further advise jihadists to carry an object like a baseball bat to inflict blunt-force trauma on victims before stabbing. In gory detail, jihadists are encouraged to go for major organs, arteries or the neck, but not the skull as their knife blade may break. 
"It is advised to not necessarily attempt to fully detach the head, as the absence of technique can cause a person to spend a long time attempting to do so, that is, unless the individual’s circumstances and capabilities allow for such." 
"Lest the operation be mistaken for one of the many random acts of violence that plague the West, it is essential to leave some kind of evidence or insignia identifying the motive and allegiance to the Khalifah, even if it is something as simple as a note pinned or attached to the victim’s body," the terror guide adds.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...


At all costs, the lie of "Islam means peace" must be promulgated.