Thursday, October 06, 2016

Obama Admin Hiding Secret Hostage Documents Signed With Iranian Intel Officials Promising $1.7 Billion Bribe And More

From the Free Beacon:
Key documents relating to the Obama administration’s secret negotiations with Iran, including a $1.7 billion cash payment, are being stored at a highly secure site on Capitol Hill, preventing the public and many in Congress from accessing them, according to multiple sources who described the situation to the Washington Free Beacon. 
The documents are not technically classified but are being kept in a “secure reading space” where the majority of congressional officials cannot access them. Those cleared are forced to relinquish their cellular devices and are barred from taking notes, undermining the ability of staffers to brief their lawmakers on the contents, according to the sources. 
Sources further disclosed that joint U.S.-Iranian signatures across the three documents add up to a package deal between Washington and Iran’s Intelligence Ministry, the country’s internal spy agency. 
Sources familiar with a closed-door January briefing by senior Obama administration officials told the Free Beacon they were informed the United States negotiated with “the Iranian intelligence apparatus.”


Anonymous said...

And impeachment is still out of reach
because .... We are all cowards? Afraid of being labeled racists?

Anonymous said...

Cowards? Fear of labels? Well, that may partially address why impeachment remains out of reach...but the real reason is the courts are stacked against receiving any real justice. Just review what's going on with the criminal investigations of Hillary's e-mails, Benghazi scandal, the missing $Billions while she was SoS. Consider also the why voter fraud continues unabated discusses the 1981 Consent decree which legally prevents the GOP from fighting voter fraud . . .adding insult to injury... in 1987, the Consent Decree defined “ballot security activities” to mean “ballot integrity, ballot security or other efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud.”

One has to wonder, where the hell the Supreme Court has been all these years? The 15th Amendment clearly states "right of CITIZENS of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
