All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
E.D. Hill on Fox and Friends finds the feeling
If you haven't heard it or seen it.....then you need to get up out bed, and turn on Fox at 6-9 AM E.D.Hill
Finally, Finally, someone in the press yelled, in effect, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Finally, someone expresses human emotion in regards to Our People, and is not worrying about whether or not the Enemy's been offended in Gitmo by not seeing a York Peppermint Pattie on the pillow when he goes to beddie-bye at night. Someone who knows the difference between real mistreatment of captured soldiers, and the trumped up embarassments suffered by insurgents, many of whom fired live rounds at Our People, many of whom are responsible for the dead and permanently wounded and disfigured that Our People have suffered.
Of course it was on Fox, so for the moonbats, it doesn't count.
But those who vote will remember that the "loyal" opposition, the left, did not criticize the President and Congress because they had a better plan for bettering our country, better protecting our troops, and better ensuring our survival. They had no interest in being a true "devil's advocate" to be a proper balance in the nation's decisions. They will remember how enthusiastically the left side of the aisle pushed for trials for any of our servicemen and women, who called them murderers and abusers long before all the facts came in, and who wanted to give a pound of punishment for every ounce of misbehavior. I half think our troops got gunshy over the overzealous second guessing of their actions in the heat of battle by the Murthas and Pelosi's, and didn't fire when they should've killed everything that moved for fear of prosecution, and as a result suffered horrible torture. Instead of standing up like E.D. Hill and giving our soldiers the benefit of the doubt, the rest of the MSM was too busy making SS-style villains out of the likes poor, silly-headed Lyndie England. Is being considered guilty until proven innocent by your Democratic Congressman any way to go into battle, and expect to win against an enemy willing to kill his kids to get you? These two may have been doomed to their fate by the Murtha types long before al-Qaida dreamt this up.
No, the Murthas (and the Galloways in Great Britain) shot their mouths off to knock everything our country can do, and make the enemy look like we were fighting the Girl Scouts, and not viscious animals. And give the enemy hope that if he makes life rougher for our troops, like dragging their bodies through Mogadishu did in the 1990's, he can beat us. Michael Moore and his tripe. The mainstream media and its permanent slant of defeatism, and of the enemy's superiority as a people and culture, and us as rude destroyers. That our troops got slaughtered, but hey, oh well, we went to war in Iraq, so...
Maybe by November, we will have to ask, for each incumbent up for election, who was for us, and who was against. Who got more excited about enemy comfort than about how US Troops got handled when they got captured.
In the meantime, we should ask why E.D. Hill had to be the first American news person to vent like this over the al-Qaida torture scandal. Why no "objective" reporter anywhere has tried to even make an attempt to fathom in words the depth of despair, fear, and finally, hopelessness that those two soldiers had to feel once they knew they were purposely captured to be made an example of for the killing of al-Zarqawi. God knows that Tom Junod can do a full length article for the current Esquire that practically makes a saint out of John Walker Lindh, but no one can write an ode to our own.
Because the liberal does not want us to empathise with the men who may have listened to the NBA Finals game that we got to watch on tv over AFN the night before they died most horribly, because the liberal wants us to empathise with an enemy who is not happy until we submit, I don't think I can ever watch the MSM news without looking for the anti-US angle, or vote Democratic, ever again.
wow. great! god bless her!
I was just going to write the same thing as Reliapundit, but he already said it for me.
Finally, Finally, someone in the press yelled, in effect, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Finally, someone expresses human emotion in regards to Our People, and is not worrying about whether or not the Enemy's been offended in Gitmo by not seeing a York Peppermint Pattie on the pillow when he goes to beddie-bye at night. Someone who knows the difference between real mistreatment of captured soldiers, and the trumped up embarassments suffered by insurgents, many of whom fired live rounds at Our People, many of whom are responsible for the dead and permanently wounded and disfigured that Our People have suffered.
Of course it was on Fox, so for the moonbats, it doesn't count.
But those who vote will remember that the "loyal" opposition, the left, did not criticize the President and Congress because they had a better plan for bettering our country, better protecting our troops, and better ensuring our survival. They had no interest in being a true "devil's advocate" to be a proper balance in the nation's decisions. They will remember how enthusiastically the left side of the aisle pushed for trials for any of our servicemen and women, who called them murderers and abusers long before all the facts came in, and who wanted to give a pound of punishment for every ounce of misbehavior. I half think our troops got gunshy over the overzealous second guessing of their actions in the heat of battle by the Murthas and Pelosi's, and didn't fire when they should've killed everything that moved for fear of prosecution, and as a result suffered horrible torture. Instead of standing up like E.D. Hill and giving our soldiers the benefit of the doubt, the rest of the MSM was too busy making SS-style villains out of the likes poor, silly-headed Lyndie England. Is being considered guilty until proven innocent by your Democratic Congressman any way to go into battle, and expect to win against an enemy willing to kill his kids to get you? These two may have been doomed to their fate by the Murtha types long before al-Qaida dreamt this up.
No, the Murthas (and the Galloways in Great Britain) shot their mouths off to knock everything our country can do, and make the enemy look like we were fighting the Girl Scouts, and not viscious animals. And give the enemy hope that if he makes life rougher for our troops, like dragging their bodies through Mogadishu did in the 1990's, he can beat us. Michael Moore and his tripe. The mainstream media and its permanent slant of defeatism, and of the enemy's superiority as a people and culture, and us as rude destroyers. That our troops got slaughtered, but hey, oh well, we went to war in Iraq, so...
Maybe by November, we will have to ask, for each incumbent up for election, who was for us, and who was against. Who got more excited about enemy comfort than about how US Troops got handled when they got captured.
In the meantime, we should ask why E.D. Hill had to be the first American news person to vent like this over the al-Qaida torture scandal. Why no "objective" reporter anywhere has tried to even make an attempt to fathom in words the depth of despair, fear, and finally, hopelessness that those two soldiers had to feel once they knew they were purposely captured to be made an example of for the killing of al-Zarqawi. God knows that Tom Junod can do a full length article for the current Esquire that practically makes a saint out of John Walker Lindh, but no one can write an ode to our own.
Because the liberal does not want us to empathise with the men who may have listened to the NBA Finals game that we got to watch on tv over AFN the night before they died most horribly, because the liberal wants us to empathise with an enemy who is not happy until we submit, I don't think I can ever watch the MSM news without looking for the anti-US angle, or vote Democratic, ever again.
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