Little Green Footballs commenter, Ulf, translated this Danish article which brings us the news that a group of high-profile European Muslims, including Tariq Ramadan, are working on a special constitution for Muslims which will be "above national legislation." Check it out:
Islamists in Europe are working on a special legislation for muslims, that will be above national legislation.
The initiative comes from the Fatwa-council for Europe, who claims that a “constitution for European muslims” is on its way. The Fatwa-council has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood organization. It’s spokesman is Tariq Ramadan, who among many westerners has a reputation of representing a more liberal european Islam.
Is this going to go through? Amounts to a nation within a nation.
This is getting worse everyday. By the way, have you read the Economist? The dhimmies of the newspaper say Eurabia is no more than a dream/nightmare of some idiots...
I have the link to a fisking made my Augean Stables in my blog -end of first post-. Really good.
[Pastorius: Eurabia defined as the union between Europe and Arabia from a SOCIAL point of view].
Anyway, it is "reasonable". We all know Ramadan... and his brother [The one who wrote an article praising the stoning of adulterous women...]. Do you know why he was named Tariq?
Because the Muslim invader and conqueror of Spain was named Tariq.
How long before the Muslims of Canada and America request the like? And if this comes to pass in Europe, how can we deny them?
This all fine and dandy, mind you, because I've been laboring away at a constitution above and beyond all national constitutions for myself; in fact, I'm even coining my own brand of politics by which I intend to govern myself and make all others subject to. It's called Devarockocracy. It is the future and it is jammin'.
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