Patrick Kafir is the team leader of Clarity & Resolve. A site with a fun and straight to the point approach. C & R has a lot to offer: beautiful writing, original images and insightful commentaries on the war launched by Islamo-fascism againts freedom.
He has kindly agreed to answer a few questions on blogging, religions, politics, terror, the media...
Excerpts from this interview at Pro-Freedom Artists.
He has kindly agreed to answer a few questions on blogging, religions, politics, terror, the media...
Excerpts from this interview at Pro-Freedom Artists.
[...15- We can certainly understand that many Europeans are still traumatized from the horrors of WWI and WWII. Before these terribly conflicts, so costly in treasure and human life, they went through centuries of the religious wars. Do you see a relationship between their past and what appears to be a real reluctance to face the threat of Islam both from within and from outside their own societies?

[The Multicultural Misery]
16- The left has always viewed and prided itself as the real defender of human rights. Yet in the current context, they are vigorously opposed to almost any forceful action designed to put an end to dictatorships. How is it that the left excuses these dictators, who are the worst offenders of the very human rights the left purports to defend? How you explain this?

[Genocide Intervention Fund]

[Hamas: Mass Murder of Civilians OK]
These people are the new useful idiots, and this time they're furthering the agenda of jihad as well as communism. Ironically, they themselves would go under the sword or the burden of jizya if the Religion of Peace was somehow able to vanquish those of us who unabashedly defend the West and Western values. Also ironically, we defend these idiots from their own idiocy. Maybe that's one of God's little jokes!
17- Recently in the United States, some retired Generals were critical of the Sec of Defence for his handling of the Iraq War. The strong left lobby and the powerful news media (MSM - NYT) locked on to this issue, fanning the flames in a major offensive to get rid of Donald Rumsfeld. In effect, an effort by them to decapitate the civil leadership of the US military. As a Democrat, what do think of this?
I think it's case study #whatever of a leftist bias in big media. It may be part of what we will later realize was big media's last gasp. Blogs are here now, and people are tired of being insulted by a rank partisan, disdainful media elite.
But yeah, these people hate George W. Bush with a passion that I've seldom seen equaled. They'll sink to any level if they think it'll hurt Bush. Sadly, it just hurts our ability to effectively address and combat the forces that threaten us. It's really a shame because it fosters an environment of petty divisiveness at a time when America - and the world - need unity more than ever.

I just hope that when we hit them, it will be fast, overwhelming, and decisive. Like any American, I'm sick of watching our guys die. As a human being, I'm sick of watching bloggers imprisoned and young girls and gay men being murdered by the despicable mullahs in Iran...]
For the complete interview with Patrick, click on image.
Patrick's writing is unique in that it is a lot lighter than most, but still stays on topic and doesn't lose the subject in the joke. His site is fun to read, but it still makes the serious point, and is very informative. And he has a very easygoing story telling cadence.
Yes, mts, that is what I like about Patrick's writing. I can understand clearly the message, enjoy the humour while recognizing the depth of his thoughts.
He is an awesome communicator.
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