Saturday, December 16, 2006

Sometimes You Just Gotta Love Your Enemy

You've just got to love your enemies when they tell the truth.

For instance, get a load of this guy, this Imam. He'll tell you straight up that all Muslims are innocent and all non-Muslims are guilty of a "crime against God."

Yes, in other words, all non-Muslims are worthy to be killed.


Anonymous said...

Anjem Choudry. Quite why this extremist gets constant media coverage is beyond me.

I have spoke with people that went to school with this guy. They say when he was at school he was a bit of a tearaway, smoking joints left in ash trays at parties.

Pastorius said...

But, Allah changed all that.

Watcher said...

Internment and deportation are the only solutions.

I've been saying this for quite a while now.

Where are FDR and Churchill when you need them?