Thursday, September 20, 2007



This has to be organized.

People who love America must come together to Encircle Ground Zero, and keep Ahmadinejad the fuck out.

Let's roll!


Jason Pappas said...

Great idea!

Pastorius said...

I hope to God it is taken up.

Urban Infidel said...

I'm there!

You can count on it!

Anonymous said...

No, no, no! Don't encircle anything. You want to push him into the hole as human sacrifice.

Pastorius said...

You ought to be there too, then.


Pastorius said...

Can't wait to see you there, Urban Infidel.

Anonymous said...

Great Idea! I'll pass the word on.

Pastorius said...

Cool. Thanks, Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Better get your lan astaslem shirts ready then!

Make your own with the graphic provided at Michelle Malkins:

Make the message loud and clear, not only is he not welcome, each individual can make it visible wearing "I WILL NO SUBMIT!"

Urban Infidel said...


We'll have to monitor the situation as we get closer. I gather there's still the small chance he won't make it down to Ground Zero. Either way, I'm absolutely going to the huge protest at the UN at noon and then possibly up to Columbia University afterwards.

Would be GREAT to meet you.
How will I recognize you?

Epaminondas said...

I have a solution:
"The American people wish to offer their condolences at the disappearance of President Achmadinejad's aircraft somewhere over the Atlantic. Despite the fact that the plane disappeared more than 2000 miles from the nearest land, and the fact that the Atlantic Ocean is more than 11,000 feet deep in that area, we will do all that humans can to locate the crash site, and return the remains of your president."

Epaminondas said...

More seriously .... T shirt with Dachau "ARBEIT MACHT FREI" gate on them, or concentration camp tattoos

Lao said...

It's not just Ground Zero, this guy should not even be allowed to lay a foot on American soil.

An American Expat in Southeast Asia

Pastorius said...

You got that right, Lao.

Why is it that we allow flights to come in from Iran at all?

What is to stop these guys from pulling off a mid-altitude Electro-magnetic Pulse blast above New York City?

Fidothedog said...

Damn right, why in the name of God did it take so long to even turn this arsehole down?

19 Days, hell nineteen seconds would have been to long.

For the major promoter of jihad to gloat over 9/11 and the terrorists that died at that spot. How dare that arse even ask.

Lets get them nuked off the map asap!