Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Moveon be all they can be..."refugees from a gorilla love in"

This is why there are some democrats who worry they can lose in 2008. They can.

On the same day that Code Pink- Sheehan is whimpering and caterwauling in the back of the Congressional Hearing room, bringing on mental comparisons to the loyal opposition in place Churchill brought as he inquired of Baldwin why he was ingnorant of the number of fighter engines Messerschmidt has produced in the last month, comes the brave Martin Luther King esque (!NOT) Moveon with their disgusting effort before a word has been said to personally attack Genl Petraus as betraying his own troops, congress, and the american people n order to be an ass kising lackey to Chimpymcahalliburtonbushitler and his Cheney corporate stooges who are enslaving america in their neo fascist slumber party for innocent rainbow americans.

If the republicans are smart they will simply provoke these complete morons into doing just what they yearn to do.

What they did today. What they burn to show all americans.

Show us your souls so we can all do right and learn from your superior display of your moral goodness.

Hey, at least when I did this shit, we all looked cool.

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