Friday, November 16, 2007

Google Censors Tom Tancredo Ad

"The video content site YouTube has flagged a new campaign ad by Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo, warning of its content and requiring viewers to verify they are 18 or older.

The 30-second spot airing on Iowa cable stations this week links the country's illegal immigration problem to terrorism, depicting an attack on an American mall.

"There are consequences to open borders beyond the 20 million aliens who have come to take our jobs," the narrator says. "Islamic terrorists now freely roam U.S. soil. Jihadists, who froth with hate, here to do what they have in London, Spain, and Russia." ...

YouTube is trying to make sure young viewers don't have access to the ad.

"This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community," says its warning. "To view this video or group, please verify you are 18 or older by logging in or signing up."


Epaminondas said...


Pastorius said...


Anonymous said...

Muslims Against Sharia commend Congressman Tancredo for clearly defining the enemy and standing up to Islamist lobby and PC establishment.

Tom Tancredo Radio Ad
Tom Tancredo TV Ad

Anonymous said...

The video was flagged by Youtube users, not youtube itself, so the headline is something of a lie.

Presumably you can flag 'jihadi' videos the same way, so the implication that there's a double standard at play is another lie.

The suggestion that this even matters, given that the only people who are blocked from viewing the video can't vote anyway, is you've guessed it, a lie.

Finally the video itself is a tissue of whoppers, claiming that the US is full of illegal immigrant jihadi terrorists (it's not) and that the bombings in London and Russia were committed by illegal immigrants and not native citizens of their respective countries.

When we all know that the real targets of Tancredo's campaign aren't muslim extremists, but poor Mexicans.

It isn't okay for poor Mexicans to break the law, but using this sort of bait and switch to rally support against them is dishonest.

I'm very much into life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, I agree with you that all governments - all people, even - should support these principles. I also think a fourth principle is equally important, one which you seem to have in short supply: A degree of loyalty to the truth.

Pastorius said...

If you have loyatly to the truth then why don't you substantiate your claims about Google.

What I posted here is the truth. Google takes down videos by people like Tancredo and Michelle Malkin on a constant basis. Yet, they leave up hundreds, if not thousands, of videos calling for violence against Americans and citizens of Western countries.

What is their rule?

I've never seen any clarification from Google.

If you have a clarification FROM THEM I will post it.