Sunday, February 03, 2008

Anti-Dhimmitude At The US Air Force Academy

Finally! Some good news for this Sunday morning!

From this source:
THREE Former Terrorists Invited By US Air Force Academy to speak about their experiences

They have practiced hatred against Christians, Jews and Americans! They have rioted, bombed and maimed! One of them actually killed 223 Arabs in gang warfare. They have recruited and trained others to hate! They have been part of sleeper cells in the USA, while hiding among us!

The U.S. Air Force Academy has invited Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani to address their annual political forum held at the Academy during the first week of February so that the cadets can better understand the Islamic mindset in our war on terror. Each of the former terrorists will speak to cadets on February 6th 2008 beginning at 8:30 AM MT.

"We are delighted that the United States Air Force has recognized the brave stand these men take in educating the American people on the real causes of terrorism. The fact that the Academy has invited our speakers is an important step as to understanding the issue of terrorism and the issues surrounding the problems of the Middle East." says Keith Davies, the director of the Walid Shoebat Foundation.


Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani are former Islamic terrorists. The three men have spent the past couple of years on speaking tour across America, providing insights into the minds of terrorists. They share their personal experiences and stress the dangers that the Western world faces today, as Islamic Fundamentalism grows with fervor around the globe.

This is the first time that the 3-X terrorists have spoken at a military academy.
Will the dhimmis at the Pentagon invite the three ex-terrorists to address our Department of Defense? Probably not. That would be too much anti-dhimmitude to hope for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shoebat Saleem and Anani provide a terrific program. Good to see they are received by an Air Force audience.

Not to steal their thunder, but what an opportunity to circulate Major Stephen Coughlin's thesis "To Our Great Detriment" [pdf]