Saturday, May 03, 2008

Storm Track Intimidation: Muslim Shame - Urfi Marriages

It’s simply amazing the moral contortions devout Muslims will do to adapt to human behavior. But this time, the jig is up. Secularism to the rescue!

In the back rooms of trinket shops, hidden in the snaking alleyways of Cairo, licences for love are signed, sealed – and sold.

Young, middle-class Egyptians are buying so-called "urfi", informal marriage contracts, in growing numbers to get around religious strictures against having pre-marital sex.

Without documentation it is almost impossible for couples to live together or stay in the same hotel room, and the whiff of impropriety can bring down the wrath of parents, friends and neighbours.

Unless you have a license – one night stands are out.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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