NEW DELHI: Instead of blaming India and other developing nations for the rise in food prices, Americans should rethink their energy policy and go on a diet, say a growing number of politicians, economists and academics here.
Criticism of the United States has ballooned in India recently, particularly after the Bush administration seemed to blame India's increasing middle class and prosperity for rising food prices. Critics from India seem to be asking one underlying question: "Why do Americans think they deserve to eat more than Indians?"
The food problem has "clearly" been created by Americans, who are eating 50 percent more calories than the average person in India, said Pradeep Mehta, the secretary general of CUTS Center for International Trade, Economics and Environment, a private economic research organization based in India with offices in Kenya, Zambia, Vietnam and Britain.
If Americans were to slim down to even the middle-class weight in India, "many hungry people in sub-Saharan Africa would find food on their plates," Mehta said. The money Americans spend on liposuction to get rid of their excess fat could be funneled to famine victims instead, he added.
What's the average height Indian? What's the average height american?

Besides I'd hate to complicate the convenient bigoted disputes with the FACT that if WE, HERE were drilling the hell out of the continental shelves, and ANWR, etc., there'd be scant corn going into ethanol, and scant price increases attributable to it.
McCain is wrong on this. We have to do this, keep it clean while doing AND do fuel cell, battery and other technologies.
This claim against fat Americans is going to be typical of the coming wave of 'attacks'. Next up, SUV's, swimming pools, insect repellents, aircraft flights for frivolous reasons, large militaries, excessive water use, yadda yadda. I think we are going to need those 300+ F-22's Mr. England, you putz.

And now for that lunch 18" incher with extra cheese, pepper, mushrooms and onions
Yes, its our fault there are poor people and not the fault of natural disasters, stupidity and third world dictators who force their people to live under an economic system that we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt does not work. Dream on! Stop blaming us for your problems. Stop blaming us for the things your policies caused.
"Besides I'd hate to complicate the convenient bigoted disputes with the FACT that if WE, HERE were drilling the hell out of the continental shelves, and ANWR, etc., there'd be scant corn going into ethanol, and scant price increases attributable to it."
BRAVO!! Well said!
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