Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It's the education stupid

A light smorgasboard ...

If Howard Zinn wrote your history textbook, you're not going to like America
If Bill Ayers sits on your education board, you're not going to like America
If Cornell West or Edward Said help decide your kids curriculum, they are not going to like America.
If Michael Berube teaches English Lit, you are not going to sing the Star Spangled banner with gusto
If Joseph Massad and Rashid Khalidi help form your basis for your ideas about the middle east, then you are going to believe Walt and Mearsheimer
If Jose Angel Guiterrez teaches your kids politics, they probably won't want a secure border
If Manning Marable teaches your children History, they are not going to be entrepreneurs or believers in what started in 1789

If these kinds of people educate hte kids who become high school and junior high school Social studies and history teachers, what do we have?

Dick Durbin
Bernie Sanders
Nancy Pelosi
Fairness Doctrine
Risk Averse Foreign Policy (as if there is such a thing)
Moral equivalence to all positions, including tribalisms

Do you know what your children's education is?
Do you know how you school board acts over curricula?

Since the 1960's all this has crept unnoticed and unremarked save by a few.
Time to think.


Anonymous said...

The American public will not stand for the reality of the socialist agenda that is about to be forced upon them. I can only say that, this to is for good because once these communists start working their agenda and remaking the U.S.A into the U.S.S.A of their vision, the last bastion of freedom and liberty in the world will crumble and the only refuge we will have left will be in G-d's own word, the Torah!
If this is not the final sign of the coming of The Annointed One, we can be sure that when it does happen it will look very similar to this.

McDuff said...

I was just talking to my Democratic-voting friends about this the other day. I, of course, as a foreigner, hate America, but what about them? Where does their hatred come from? Turns out that all sorts of people hate America these days. State Policemen and Firemen and National Guardsmen serving in Iraq hate America. Web designers working for congressional offices in Washington DC hate America. And we were thinking, why?

Of course, it's so obvious now. They've been educated stupid by a liberal education system that keeps them in the dark about important truths, like the fact that America is the best country ever, and that Democrats hate America, and that the founding fathers hated Communism. Without the facts and truth of the matter laid out like that, it's no wonder generation upon generation of Americans have grown up, lived, loved, fought and died absolutely despising where they lived. Four times before the war, they voted their hatred and ignorance and re-elected Roosevelt, with his anti-American destructive insistence on destroying freedom wherever he went.

Apparently New York was so consumed by the hatred of itself it shows us in election after election that it built two giant buildings just so that the enemies of America could knock them down. Really, the only word for that is traitor, don't you think?

Orange said...

If life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights—and if we're all equal—then why the heck don't our gay and lesbian citizens have the same marriage rights as the straight folks?

Anonymous said...

Don't say anything about Howard Zinn. Soon he'll have the authority to have you silenced.

And you can't stop us from sucking the gusto and patriotism out of students to power our jihad doomsday laser. It's too late!

Really. Are you even listening to yourself?

Anonymous said...

Edward Said died in 2003; is it that hard to check Wikipedia?

Anonymous said...

Edward Said died in 2003; is it that hard to check Wikipedia?

But that's the point: Edward Said is deciding your kids' curriculum from beyond the grave like some sort of undead zombie, albeit one less interested in raw brains than educational policy. And that should scare us all.

Epaminondas said...

redward, that's not the point

The point is that THESE educators believe america evil at it's birth ..not that we made a mistake in Vietnam.
They believe PROPERTY evil.
We believe private property is the BASIS of individual liberty.

If you teach that private property is evil, then spreading the wealth is natural, isn't it?

If you teach profit and owning things is evil, then making sure the waitress down the street does well via govt arrogation of the fruit of your efforts, is "neighborly" and "patriotic", not voluntary help.

The USA has made PLENTY of mistakes from the 3/5s rule and slavery to an invasion without an occupation plan...and THEY ARE PUBLICLY DISCUSSED. That's how it should be.

However, the thesis that our system is evil, our founding is evil, our leaders actions are thus all tainted permanently is SUICIDE, not censorship. Especially when these teachers PREVENT THE TENURE of those who disagree.

Rachel, Said did this thing when he was alive, called WRITING HISTORY BOOKS .. they extend one's living influence, you know sort of like oh, I don't know ... Keynes, Galbraith, De Tocqueville, Douglas Southall Freeman ...

Pastorius said...

Michael Berube linked to your post here. These commenters are coming from his site.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that brilliant synopsis. You are an American hero.

If these kinds of people educate hte kids who become high school and junior high school Social studies and history teachers, what do we have?

A population of adults--who realize that history is messy, and that vigilence is the mark of real patriots--rather than propagandized, frightened children who believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the brightly scrubbed, Disneyland version of American history?

Oh noes! What *will* we tell Hte Children?

Pastorius said...

McDuff's points are well-taken. Question is, what does McDuff like about America.

Howard Zinn says that, in the scope of history, America is a net negative for the world.

Do you agree?

Epaminondas said...

"Disneyland version of American history"

How could ANYONE who learns the iron hard facts of history, like Jackson's attitude about Marshall's decision on Georgia and the Cherokees think of american history as DISNEY LAND?

But the facts don't teach hate of what we are, do they? They teach humans, even great ones make mistakes - BIG ONES, but that OUR system, which depends on human weakness to survive, gives us a better chance of spreading what has made us successful, and bringing material wealth and the luxury to argue about history's meaning and ones errors to more and more people

So far we are the best there is and one of the main reasons is we argue publicly about our errors .. but once we teach hatred of that system, making PERFECT the enemy of good won't like what comes after that America.

IBC you have an interesting reading of McDuff.

But perhaps I misread SARCASM.