Wednesday, February 18, 2009

British libraries to put Koran on top shelf, at Muslims’ request

Britain's continuing slide. . .

Hot Air:

British libraries to put Koran on top shelf, at Muslims’ request

posted at 9:47 pm on February 17, 2009 by Allahpundit

And I use the word “request” very loosely indeed. In case you were worried that that de facto fatwa they imposed by banishing Geert Wilders is part of a trend, the answer is yes.

Muslims have complained of finding the Koran on lower shelves, saying it should be put above commonplace things.

So officials have responded with guidance, backed by ministers, that all holy books should be treated equally and go on the top shelf together…

The report said the city’s librarians consulted the Federation of Muslim Organisations and were advised that all religious texts should be kept on the
top shelf.

‘This meant that no offence is caused, as the scriptures of all the major faiths are given respect in this way, but none is higher than any other,’ the guidance added…

Inayat Bunglawala, of the Engage think tank, which encourages Muslims to play a greater role in public life, said: ‘If Muslims wish to see the Koran placed on a higher shelf, and library rules say it should be there, then that is a welcome and considerate gesture.

‘But one size does not fit all. If Christians do not want to see the Bible treated in the same way, I do not see why it has to be dealt with the same.’

Sound familiar? Borders caved on exactly this point a few years ago, reserving pride of place for the Koran on the top shelf of their stores lest they get a taste of what Wilders has to live with every day from his Islamic “critics.” It’s a cowardly policy but somewhat understandable in the case of a private corporation; in the case of a state with armies at its disposal, not so much. Bizarrely, the main objection from Christians interviewed for the story isn’t that the Koran’s getting special treatment, it’s that sticking the Bible way up top will make it less accessible to library-goers looking for a copy. Hey, guys? Focus. Exit question: Can you think of anyone with a media megaphone who might take noisy exception to British libraries putting sacred texts above “commonplace things” like Darwin and Newton? Speak up, man.


Anonymous said...

I was told by another employee that some Muslim organization tried to intimidate Borders (HQ'd in Ann Arbor, right next door to Dearbornistan) into placing all Korans on the top shelves in the Religion section. It's unclear whether this was followed for a time, but as of this writing it is not and has not been for several years.

midnight rider said...

At our Border's they have the Big 3 Segregated if you will. Koran's in one section on the top (& 2 or 3 down) shelf. Torah's & Tanakh's in their own section, top & lower shelves, Bibles in their own section, top & lower shelves.

Pastorius said...

That's good to hear. I did not know that.

Carlos Echevarria said...

How about placing them in the bathroom section, we can always use extra toilet paper...

Anonymous said...

Btw just to clarify, that was a joke. While historically Muslims used their left hand instead of TP, they would be furious if the Koran was used to clean excrement. Hell, the Koran has an entire section known as "Qadaahul Haajah" on how to wipe your ass in the Islamic fashion.

midnight rider said...

Figured it was a joke, Total, but I figured it was in reference to either the Koran printed on toilet paper I've seen or the story from a couple years ago where a Koran was flushed or alledgedly flushed at Gitmo (I think it was Gitmo)...

Anonymous said...

On the subject of koranic toilet paper:

"141. If a page from the holy Qur'an, or any sacred object like a paper on which the names of Almighty Allah or the Holy Prophet or the holy Imams are written, falls in a lavatory, it is obligatory to take it out and make it Pak with water, no matter what expenses it may entail. And, if it is not possible to take it out, the use of that lavatory should be discontinued till such time when one is certain that the page has dissolved and petered out. "

... from

Actually, if you read all the voodoo-wudu on the above site, you begin to wonder whether Islam is a religion or an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Maybe banging their heads on the floor five times a day sends them nuts.

If so, it's a classic chicken and egg situation: Islam produces insanity, and insanity produces Islam.

midnight rider said...

Maybe they need to listen to some good Metal to go with all that head banging. . .

Anonymous said...

I always mess with the Islamic books at libraries and book stores. It's fun move the Korans in with the BBQ books in the cooking section. I put Robert Spencers titles front & center over anything pro-Islam. Sometimes taking just these little measures makes my day.

Pastorius said...

e of usa,
You are a true Infidel.


midnight rider said...

Oh so e of usa is the guy who's been moving Hustler in with Handgunner. Now I can finally explain to my wife why I keep bringing home the wrong magazines. . .