Thursday, February 19, 2009

HomeGrown Jihad (update at bottom)

We've written about groups like Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani and Islamberg a bit. Doug Hagmann and the Northeast Intelligence Network have covered it often as well.

Now a new documentary has been released by The Christian Action Network, Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S..

Here's the trailer:

Here's what Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch thinks ( but article from HumanEvents ):

Terror Training Camps On American Soil
by Robert Spencer

“We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America.”

So said the Pakistani Sheikh Muburak Gilani, leader of the jihad terrorist group Jamaat ul-Fuqra. And the way that he and his organization are “dealing with evil at its roots” is to set up jihad terror training camps all over the United States -- often under the noses of government and law enforcement officials who are either indifferent or too hamstrung by political correctness to do anything about it.

Sheikh Gilani is no shrinking violet, and Jamaat ul-Fuqra is a force to be reckoned
with both in the United States and elsewhere. Journalist Daniel Pearl was on his way to interview Gilani when he was kidnapped and beheaded in 2002. The following year, a member of Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Iyman Faris, pled guilty to plotting to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. In 2005, the Department of Homeland Security included the group among “predicted possible sponsors of attacks” on American soil. And in 2006, the Department of Justice reported that Jamaat ul-Fuqra “has more than 35 suspected communes and more than 3,000 members spread across the United States, all in support of one goal: the purification of Islam through violence.” That means, of course, violence against unbelievers.

Yet despite the fact that Justice and the DHS are obviously aware of what is going on, Jamaat ul-Fuqra continues to operate, relatively unhindered, in the United States. A new documentary from the Christian Action Network, Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S., tells the whole shocking story. CAN spent two years visiting many of these Jamaat ul-Fuqra terror compounds, at great risk to network personnel. The documentary filmmakers dared to go inside these camps, cameras rolling, to ask compound leaders pointed questions about who they were and what they were doing.

The documentary reveals that these compounds are dedicated to the training of Muslims in terrorist activities. Most of these camps are tucked away in remote rural areas -- Hancock, N.y., Red House, Va. -- as far away from the watchful eye of law
enforcement as possible. And what goes on in them is truly hair-raising: a training video that the network obtained shows American Muslims receiving training in how to fire AK-47 rifles and machine guns, and how to use rocket launchers, mortars, and explosives, as well as training in kidnapping, the murder of hostages, sabotage, and subversive operations.

Yet the State Department doesn’t include Jamaat ul-Fuqra on its Foreign Terrorist Organization Watch List. And so far the mainstream media’s reaction to the documentary has run from indifferent to hostile. CBS News ran a hit piece on
the film last Wednesday, saying that “officials describe the film to CBS News as
‘sensationalistic’ and without any real foundation. According to one official, it is strictly designed to upset and inflame people and does not present a true picture of any so-called ‘homegrown Jihad’ danger. No current intelligence exists to suggest any threat connected with this group, which officials describe as ‘wannabes’ and not terrorists.”

No current intelligence? Someone should notify the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, which currently has posted on its website a page about Jamaat ul-Fuqra. “In
addition to being suspected of committing numerous acts of domestic terrorism,”
it says, “FUQRA members in the United States have been suspected of committing
fraud against various governmental entitlement programs in an effort to financially support their activities.” And “FUQRA or its members have been investigated for alleged terrorist acts including murder and arson in New York, Detroit, Philadelphia, Toronto, Denver, Los Angeles and Tucson. UL FUQRA is suspected of more than thirteen firebombings and, at least, as many murders within the United States.”

The Homegrown Jihad documentary, which premiered last week in Washington, does a great service in shedding light on this group’s activities. We can only hope that American law enforcement officials wake up out of their politically correct fever dream in time to close these camps and end once and for all the possibility that these jihadists could mount an attack on American citizens.

And here's where to order

Aggravation Update: C.A.N. is having difficulties with their Credit Card portal. I ordered & my card was rejected. Tried twice more with same results. So I called my card people and said "WASSUP?!?!" thinking it may be related to an identity theft situation in the fall (a Muslim was booking airfare all over Europe on my dime. That's another story). Everything fine there said it showed 3 orders for the video. . . Geez. So I left a message at C.A.N. telling them I only need 1 thank you very much. I'll let you know how that turns out. Upshot being you may just want to call if you want to order and save yourself some trouble.


Right now (it says this week) they are having a Hannity Special. 1/2 price ($10 plus shipping). There is a button right side if ordering online or mention it when you call.


Ray Boyd said...

Wow! are you guys in trouble. 35 terrorist training camps run by an organisation such as Jamaat ul-Fuqra. I thought we in the UK had problems but this ...

It defies belief that US authorities that went into Waco, all guns blazing are doing nothing about REAL terrorists, with a stated intent.

The longer nothing is done the worse it will be to deal with them. With Waco it must have been relatively easy to deal with them but how to deal with 35 communes populated with trained, ideologicaly focused fighters.

Any operation would have to simultaneously deal with all 35 communes. A huge tactical and resource problem.

Do nothing and they will gain in strength with trained fighters dispersed amongst the population. At a given command they will be activated and the US will be fighting a guerrilla war in it's own cities, just as in Iraq.

For fox sake, who is going to do something about this?

Anonymous said...

Where are the M-16 wielding redneck militias when you need them?

Anonymous said...

Can I get an M-16 and some moonshine too? Gun laws in Califonia are beyond lame. :)

midnight rider said...

Total you would LOVE Pennsylvania. 10 yrs ago (and maybe still now) on the opening day of buck season Pennsylvania fielded the Third Largest Standing Army IN THE WORLD.

Concealed carry licenses fairly simple to get. Open carry requires no license, except in Philly.

And the 'shine ain't half bad, either :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome, MR. I'll have to get myself a Steelers jersey and visit sometime.