Monday, February 16, 2009

Liberty, Slavery or Death

Yep, 2nd Amendment nut in residence here. Just passin' this one along, like the lady requests:

I've just been inspired by A Handgun Against An Army, by Mike Vanderboegh. His essay about how small arms can beat back an army is a great answer to all those ill-informed losers who whine that pistols and rifles can't win against the might of a modern military force.

And he calls American gun owners "guardians of our liberty". Which made me like him quite a bit, right there.
"Fortunately, our Founders saw the wisdom of backing the First Amendment up with the Second.The 'divisions' of the Army of American Constitutional Liberty get into their cars and drive to work in this country every day to jobs that are hardly military in nature. Most of them are unmindful of the service they provide. Their arms depots may be found in innumerable closets, gunracks and gunsafes. They have no appointed officers, nor will they need any until they are mobilized by events.

Such guardians of our liberty perform this service merely by existing. And although they may be an ever-diminishing minority within their own country, as gun ownership is demonized and discouraged by the ruling elites, still they are as yet more than enough to perform their vital task. And if they are unaware of the impediment they present to their would-be rulers, their would-be rulers are
painfully aware of these "divisions of liberty," as evidenced by their incessant calls for individual disarmament. They understand moral versus military force just as clearly as Stalin, but they would not be so indelicate as to quote him."

It would be great if every gun owner in America read this. If you can, do your part and forward this great essay to every one of them you know.

Actually, it'd be great if every non-gun owner read it too. Maybe they'd be inspired to join us as Guardians of Liberty!

The Gunslinger

To ensalve a nation, disarm the population -- MR

1 comment:

christian soldier said...

Got caught up in the governmental oppressive messes of the day like HR 45 and that I forgot to honor our great Presidents - for which today is an holiday-so-I just posted that fabulous sculpture-statue- of General George Washington at West Point...