Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Lord Porkie, Pushing Too Hard

This is a poster from last year, if you click on it you will see some of the speakers names

Among the names is Yvonne Ridley, who started this campaign, based on a pack of lies

The fat lard of a bitch invented a story that Aafia Siddiqui was a prisoner in Bagram prison (Prisoner 650) based on a book she read of a prisoner who heard what he thought was a female crying when he was there. From there she extrapolated and claimed Aafia was raped and tortured there for 5 years and that she had to go to the bathroom in front of men. Now she casually admits that Aafia was not prisoner 650. So the rest of her story falls apart.

The fat lard of a bitch is famous for converting to Islam while she was in the custody of the Taliban. However this is not extra-oridnary as it seems. She had a prior thing for terrorists. She was married to a PLO officer before, but the marriage failed just like her 3 other marriages. She has been fired by Al Jazeera and the Islam Channel because she was a loud-mouth weirdo. She is a renowned marxist and is currently employed by Iranian national television. She complains about human rights abuses but praises the orchestrator of the Beslam massacre. She is also a loon

Another name that stands out Is Lord Porkie, (Nazir Ahmed) of Rotherham, not only did he speak at this rally, he pestered the British Government with a series of ridiculous questions, he roused the Pakistan media in London and announced that if Prisoner 650 was not released then he would go to the gates of Bagram and demand her release.

Lord Porkie, (Nazir Ahmed) of Rotherham

We all know what Porkie has been up too the last few days,

Well he goes again

Lord Nazir Ahmed is one of Britain's most prominent Muslim leaders. This week, he questioned the British government about concerns that British Jews may have served in the Israeli Defense Force during Operation Cast Lead - the three-week bombardment of Gaza.

Lord Ahmed's questions have brought attention to an issue that has significant legal and political implications but which few want to discuss in public.

The following is an exclusive Press TV interview with Lord Ahmed:

Press TV: Lord Nazir Ahmed, you raised question in Parliament about the legal implications of British Jews serving in the IDF. What was the response?

Lord Ahmed: I asked Her Majesty's government if they were aware of British citizens who may have been involved with the war crimes committed by the Israeli Defense Force and Israeli Defense Reserves. Her Majesty's government did not have any figures because dual nationals do not have to inform the government. However, there are reports in the Daily Mirror and The Sun with the names of British citizens who have been fighting in Gaza.

The point I was making is that war crimes have been committed, white phosphorous has been used and if there are people who have broken the 4th Geneva Convention, then whoever they are, when they return to this country, they should be arrested and charged - unlike the Major General who escaped in 2005.

Press TV: Are you certain these are up to date reports about British citizens serving in Israel?

Lord Ahmed: These are very new reports, dated January 2009, of British citizens who have gone out to fight against the Palestinian people as part of the IDF. Their names and ages are mentioned in these reports.
We know that there are student unions that have been actively recruiting young people in Britain to join the Israeli Defense Force and we also know that there are young Jewish students who go and serve on the kibbutz and also in schools, who are also then doing national service in Israel.

How many of those have been involved in war crimes? How many of those have broken the Geneva Convention? When they come back to this country, we want our government to take some legal action against them.

Press TV: Will our government take such action?

Lord Ahmed: Yes - if there is evidence and if the United Nations is strong enough. At the moment they have not even decided how they are going to conduct this independent investigation into the use of white phosphorous and other weapons prohibited by the United Nations.

There is very clear evidence that the 4th Geneva Convention has been breached - we know there was collective punishment, excessive and disproportionate use of force against civilians and deliberate attacks on schools, hospitals and ambulances. There have even been attacks on UNRWA personnel and warehouses.

Here for More


Anonymous said...

Where are all the "British" Lords?

When [quote ==>] "Lord Ahmed: I asked Her Majesty's government if they were aware of British citizens who may have been involved with the war crimes committed by the Israeli Defense Force and Israeli Defense Reserves.

Where are the British Lords asking similar questions? Oh, say, like -
"Lord [fill in the blank]: I asked Her Majesty's government if they were aware of British citizens who may have been involved with the war crimes committed by the Pakistani, Moroccan, Algerian, etc. background and al qaeda or any of the alphabet soup jihadis in Kashmir, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia etc. ad infinitum?

Go after the traitorous slime in your country if you want Britain to win this war. Start with that traitorous windbag, Lord Ahmed, convict him, sentence him and then use your laws to throw his ass out of the House of Lords permanently.

Anonymous said...

Lord Ahmed needs to lay off the shawarma. If anyone is the descendant of a pig, he certainly meets the description.