Sunday, February 01, 2009

Music for the Final Crusade

Psst. Hey, you Crazy Jihadis. It's me, Midnight Rider. Over here. In the shadows. Listen, despite what your pencil-peckered bosses tell you not all of us in the West are weak, blind or asleep. We're watching you. We know what you're up to. And we're waiting for you. So if you see something flit out of the corner of your eye, think you feel a tap on your shoulder, get the feeling you're being watched, well, you are. It's us. And we're not fucking around. We're all in.

3 Doors Down

Breaking Benjamin


christian soldier said...

Your intro, "We're watching you." is right on-Midnight Rider and the 3-Doors down vid was good-because I always enjoy seeing our Best of the Best...thanks...
2nd vid -not available at this time...

midnight rider said...

C-Cs -- 2nd vid working for me, at the moment, anyway.

Glad you liked it, knew you'd agree with the sentiment.