On the political front, Chairman MaoBama is trying his hardest to fill his cabinet with tax evaders, lobbyists, and other old skool political insiders. This is the change we hope we can believe in. When asked why Dear Leader chose Former Senator Tom Daschle, he responded by saying he thought the former Senator was young and hip, based on his RED GLASSES:

Same as it ever was.
Now we watch as Dear Leader's BIPARTISANSHIP comes crumbling down. "I won," and "we won", are popular chants now in DC.
Other reports say Conservatives have grown a second pair of balls (in some cases replacing the older, shriveled useless ones) and have gone on the offensive against MaoBama's Spending Bill. Dear Leader is quite upset. What a changing of hope. Various news outlets are beginning to mention "growing pains." Dear Leader himself suddenly finds himself President of the most Powerful Nation in the World:
In World News:
Go Netanyahu:
He seems like he's still on his way towards winning in the upcoming election. Why is this important? Because while the USA wimps out with Great Baby Leader in charge, there is a huge possibility we will not be able to continue thwarting Radical Islam. Europe sits on its hands, hoping for cultural suicide, and everyday they come closer to falling. With a true Leader like Netanyahu in charge, we have HOPE...change.
And Israeli Girls Everywhere Cheer
And watch as Shaytan (Satan) himself tries to help all of us Western men:
And we all know when it comes down to it, the reason Muslims fight, kill themselves, kill others are the pent up sexual urges:
And in Kremlin news:
This is for Emperor Puto(in):
Over and out Infidel brothers ***blows his magical horn***
More Magical Whores @ genycon.blogspot.com
1 comment:
The Israeli chicks where tasty, also the music kicks arse, for those who do not know, the track is Becoming Insane - by Infected Mushroom
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