Sunday, February 15, 2009


From Reliapundit at the Astute Bloggers:



Damien said...


I agree, the problem is who can we vote for that will? That is very frustrating.

Pastorius said...

Well, eventually we will have people to vote for. But that will come after the WMD attack.

Damien said...


I sincerely hope that's not what it takes.

Anonymous said...

We all hope that. So did most of the people trying to warn the world about the Nazis. The WMDs are something that happens when people refuse to listen or to think.

Unknown said...

Let us hope that the alternate voting option won't be yet another wolf disguised as a sheep... as it happened all over 20th century.

midnight rider said...

I'm afraid direct action may be what it comes to. I hope not but it doesn't look promising.

christian soldier said...

We Christians must stand up - find our spine-and satisfy Christ's command to 'occupy'-hold the ground won-'til I come' (again) Lk:19 KJV...
To give courage-because we all need encouragement-I see a glimmer-even amongt my friends who did hot believe me 15 years ago...

christian soldier said...

editing corrections:

It is getting late ...I've been busy re-enforcing my learning curve-embedding vids :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, if that is the only avenue, I'd rather go down than "live" as a jihadi-slave.

Or move to New Hampshire! Or Vermont - the secessionists there want a peaceful little "Liechtenstein"-type state there.


Damien said...


You wrote,
Well, if that is the only avenue, I'd rather go down than "live" as a jihadi-slave.

Or move to New Hampshire! Or Vermont - the secessionists there want a peaceful little "Liechtenstein"-type state there.

Your second choice isn't really even a viable option. Even if Vermont and New Hampshire were allowed to seceded from the union and they both openly opposed jihad, sharia and Islam itself in the most clear and open way possible, it would do more to weaken America than anything else. With a weakened United States, Russia and China would probably, be the strongest military powers. They may not be Islamic, but with few exceptions they don't share the west's values, and wouldn't do much to stop us from falling to Islam-o-Fascists, and might not even care. Plus If Jihadists were able to take over the rest of America, it would be hard for those newly independent states to survive, even if they took extreme, and I do mean extreme measures, especially if they took over most or all Europe as well.

Anonymous said...


He was not alone

Epaminondas said...

Fitna IS a hate filled movie

Milliband is simply too dialectically PC to understand the hate and who it is directed at.

He CANNOT CONCEIVE of an entire system dedicated to overwhelm BY ALL MEANS the entire way he lives his life, therefore those who point out that such a system exists MUST BE WRONG.

Always On Watch said...

He CANNOT CONCEIVE of an entire system dedicated to overwhelm BY ALL MEANS the entire way he lives his life, therefore those who point out that such a system exists MUST BE WRONG.

Even the politically incorrect are not immune to that malady.

Anonymous said...

The following letter is circulating round the BNP blogosphere. It's claimed that it appeared in a national paper a few days ago, though I haven't been able to find it:

"It's POLITICAL, not religious.

Blocking jihadists may diminish violence, but the mujahideen are only enforcers.

Islam is a self-replicating political program with a complete legal, military, educational, penal, civil, family, social, and cultural code, all wrapped in the cloak of religion--a political-theocratic meme.

It's the only government system that has built-in instructions that command it's followers, as a religious duty, to perpetually grow, expand, and replicate it.

Every adherent has a role, so blocking extremists will not stop the 'expand, convert, and separate' strategy that has dispossessed The Other all over the world--North Africa, India, Lebanon, Albania, Armenia, Balkans, etc.

The Koran calls this jihad by the pen, heart, and tongue which, to us, means building up the institutions of Islam.

Cultural conversion and dispossession of a homeland comes mostly from the majority
of adherents--the moderates, who build up the institutions of Islam--schools, hospitals, shops, mosques, financial institutions, food service and processing, etc.

When the population is sufficient, and as the institutions are being built, simultaneously comes the destruction of the institutions of 'the other'.

This is where the extremists come in--attacks on symbols and infrastructure of the native society--usually churches, transport, police, fire, schools, govt offices, and politicans.

This process follows a clear and easily discernable pattern--it has repeated itself for 1400 years, and in dozens of countries just in the last 50 years.

This is POLITICAL Islam--a political ideology, political party, and politcal party cloaked in a religion.

In countries where this program has been implemented, he results have been identical 100 percent of the time-displacement and dispossession of 'the other'.

It's absurd that anyone anywhere could think that 'it'll be different in Britain'.

- Sammie Hall