Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wilders, The Koran, and Fitna

Geert Wilders is in trouble for comparing the Koran to Mein Kampf by Hitler.

Mein Kampf doesn't even go so far as to call for the death of Jews. The Koran does.

Additionally, the Koran calls for stoning apostates, gays, and adulterers to death. It declares women to be legally worth half that of men. And, it calls for "non-believers" to be killed, if they will not be "subdued."

Wilders movie Fitna (which the British are so frightened of that they have, as of this morning, arrested Wilders for attempting to enter the country) simply highlights some of the violent verses in the Koran, and shows how some Muslims follow these verses by carrying out acts of gruesome violence.

Such a statement ought to be protected by our Western emphasis on Free Speech. But apparently, when the chips are down, many of us do not believe in what we say we believe in.

For those of you who have not yet seen it, here's Fitna. Be careful, your head might explode.

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