Tuesday, February 10, 2009

With Vice Presidents Like This Who Needs. . .

Oh they are going to put the hurt on us real bad very soon.

At least someone in this article gets it. Too bad it's not our administration.

(Infidel Disclaimer: no, not for you Jihadis this time, geez -- anything you see in green is strictly the fault of your humble & curmudgeonly Infidel blogger. Robert has more class than that. I think. . .)

From Jihad Watch

Biden says we're in a war against "a small number of violent extremists (who) are beyond the call of reason"

Not a "war on terror." And heavens to betsy, certainly not a war of defense against global jihad and Islamic supremacism. "Joe Biden dumps 'war on terror' in global PR move," by Nile Gardiner in the Telegraph blogs, February 9 (thanks to Jeffrey Imm):

In further confirmation that the Obama Administration has dropped the phrase "war on terror", Vice President Joe Biden completely left it out of his major foreign policy address at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday.

In a rather dull and weak-kneed (dull & weak-kneed, heh -- sorry) speech, Biden spoke in soft terms of "a shared struggle against extremism", and of "a small number of violent extremists (who) are beyond the call of reason," as well as the need to seek with the Muslim world "a new way forward based on mutual interest and mutual respect." There was no indication given of the sheer scale of the global battle (because the administration has no imagination) against al-Qaeda and its partners, and the followers of Osama Bin Laden (who? oh, right, sorry again) were mentioned just once - only within the context of Afghanistan.

President Obama's decision to abandon the phrase "war on terror" sends the wrong signal to al-Qaeda (YA THINK?!?!) and other Islamist terrorists groups. America and her allies are engaged in a long-term global war against a vicious enemy that seeks the free world's destruction (HE GETS IT! HEY MIKEY!), whether in Afghanistan, Iraq or in the cities of Europe and the United States. This is hardly the time to be engaging in a cynical PR exercise which will only serve to soften America's image (too late) in the eyes of its worst enemies (what, those characters in D.C.?).

Well said!


Just Cause said...

Do you think that Western leaders are deliberately showing signs of weakness or are geniunely stupid and ignorant of the threat?

Day after day there is more evidence of the third jihad making inroads matched (if not surpassed) by some Western government making ridiculous statements that there is no threat.

I am having a hard time trying to rationalise a government whose intelligence services can't put 2 and 2 together and see what we see and I'm starting to wonder whether it's a deliberate tactic.

Whether that tactic is to enrage the public at large enough so they end up having to take matters in their own hand or whether they are enticing another attack that will initiate a response that Muslims could have never predicted.

I'm a Dinner jacket has said that the US now appears weak so any good strategist will tell you that the best chance of success is when your enemy is at its weakest. The Sun Tzu backs up this tactic. What then if the West is deliberately playing a 'weak' hand and forcing the other to take some sort of action only for the trump card to be pulled out and BAM, threat contained?

I sincerely hope this is the case, otherwise we're on our own and it's going to get very messy!

Michael Travis said...

"Do you think that Western leaders are deliberately showing signs of weakness or are genuinely stupid and ignorant of the threat?"

I won't publish names, however, a disturbing number of "Terrorism experts", authors, ex-military officers, CIA and FBI agents have repeated those precise words to me ["a small number of violent extremists (who) are beyond the call of reason"]

The Doj-DoD brain-laundering programme has been an obvious success. Americans are not capable of identifying the enemy.

maccusgermanis said...

Unfortunatly this was his description of Senate Republicans. He remains clueless of the jihad. -waka-waka-waka

midnight rider said...

If it weren't Obama I could see the fake weakness ploy. But I really think he doesn't get it. It's part of that liberal mindset "everyone can get along all we need is a little peace love and understanding". I have a cousin like that drives me crazy you cannot convince them otherwise. It's what gave rise to and then fueled itself on BDS.

Obama & his minions need to spend less time reading G.Q. and NYT and more at IBA & JihadWatch.

midnight rider said...

Either that or he really IS working toward some sort of sinister weakeneing of America to then be able to easier enact his own liberal/socialst agenda.

Michael Travis said...

It's a bit late in the game to start noticing the proselytizers and appeasers in our midst.




One good thing can be said about the Obambi victory.....people are paying attention....after 20+ years of brain-dead slumber and really bad citizenship.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Michael on this. The "brain laundering" campaign has been longstanding, pervasive, and very effective. Never underestimate the power of taqqiya on a grand scale.

I know from experience in cult-investigation work that most people are reluctant to believe that cult leaders really believe what they preach. Well, some don't but many do. The evidence shows that the Islamists are true believers and that Ahmadhimjerk hopes to bring back the Mahdi by destroying Israel and the US and creating worldwide chaos. But most people pooh-pooh al Qaeda's goal of the Worldwide Caliphate, which is almost sane in comparison.

I don't think BHO is "naive" about this, but he may believe he can turn it to his advantage. A free, open, capitalist society is not what he wants and he may think he can make a deal with the devil to allow Islamist influence to grow while deflecting armed conflict. The precondition of destruction and chaos for the return of the Mahdi sounds too "nihilistic" for most people to accept. I fear they will have to be confronted with a demonstration before it begins to sink in, and that we survive that demonstration with enough left to respond.

midnight rider said...

And it only took them two weeks to realize. Who knew?! (besides us of course).

Didn't take long for buyers remorse to set in but now, unfortunately it's way to late and we're in for it.

midnight rider said...

RRA it may be both. Obama is nothing more than an opportunist. ANd following your line he seeks to turn this to his advantage. But I also think he may not grasp that they really do want to destroy us and his deal with th Devil has dire consequences.

If he does get that and is proceeding apace anyway then he is far more dangerous than most were willing to believe.

Anonymous said...

Michael, I see tinyurl.com actually works? Is it easy to use?

Also, what is the deal with PodSpider?

Michael Travis said...

Pod-spider? I wouldn't know...but it seems to cost $20...to do something that Winamp and many others do for free.